Chapter 27: Things We Lost In The Fire

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One Week later

“What do you think?” Ann inquires with hope in her tone.

“You know I’m not a party person. At the last one I got drunk and suffered through a horrible hangover.” I remind her. She called me five minutes ago to invite me to go to a frat party with her tonight. The same frat where I went and got wasted after an eventful Stephen confrontation.

“Yes you were drunk, but on the bright side, you ended up waking up to an attractive guy a.k.a Alex cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Not so shabby considering you’re dating him now.” She adds a wolf whistle to the end of her sentence and I wish she were in front of me so she could see me rolling my eyes.

“That’s true, however, I’m still not convinced.”

“And unlike the last time, the douche won’t bother you. Asher will be going as well as Jax and Skylar. Plus, if you come, we all know Alex will tag along.”

She does have a point. I’m not a party person, but it’s nice to go to places and be social sometimes. And by “social”, I really mean hanging out with the five people I already know. It’s crazy that I’m even thinking this. If she would have asked me a couple of weeks ago, I would have immediately denied and stayed home alone.

“Fine. I’ll go. I just have to beware of Skylar’s drinks.”

“Those things are so lethal yet delicious. And yay for you going! But speaking of the douche, has he bothered you lately? Do I need to sharpen my knife and prepare to clean up a murder scene? I haven’t worked with him since he not so surprisingly only picks up shifts on the days you work. You know, cause that’s not stalkerish at all.”

“We don’t talk unless absolutely necessary. Though one time he asked me if Alex and I were still a thing. I quickly reminded him that I wasn’t going to talk about my relationship with him.”

I shot it down so rapidly that he didn’t even have the chance to finish his sentence.

“Good. We should train him to speak only when spoken too. Like a dog.” I hear her snap her fingers through the other end of the line.

“Humans don’t work that way.”

“Right, cause he’s not human. I have a theory that he’s really a robot who stole a person’s body and has been programmed with a jackass personality.”

“Very interesting.” I start laughing at the ridiculousness of what she just said.

“I’m telling you, he’s not human!” Ann reiterates.

Right when I’m about to bring up alternate theories, I hear a knock on my door and it captures my attention.

“Hey Ann, I have to let you go. I think Alex is here and he was going to bring food.”

It’s noon and my stomach knows it’s lunch time judging by its rumbling.

“Okay, the party starts at eight. If you want, I can help you get ready and stop by your place around six or seven.”

“That would be great. See you later, I’m about to devour whatever food Alex has brought. I’m starving.”

“Go eat and abandon me, your amazing best friend.”

“Now you're being melodramatic Ann Juliana Carson.” I only use her full name when I’m messing with her since she hates her middle name.

“I am not, Amelia no middle name Morgan! I like to think that it’s an appropriate response.”

“Bye crazy.”

I hang up and race to the door so fast that I almost trip over the hallway rug from my room to the front.

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