Chapter 4: What kind of man

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"What do you want Stephen?" I look straight into his ocean blue eyes. That used to be one of my favorite things about him. Now I just want to forget he exists. Or punch him. Either would suffice.

"Just saying hello. Why? Are you not excited to see me?" He asks with a condescending tone. I use the corner of my eyes to see if she is around. I'm really not in the mood for a little reunion here.

Sensing what I'm doing, Stephen opens his idiot mouth again. "Are you looking for Stephanie? I told you she was a one night stand. You overreacted babe."

"Right. I don't know why I made a big deal out of it. Cheating on me while you were at a party and I was at home? That's nothing. You know me, I tend to be theatrical and over emotional. Is this the part where I beg for us to get back together?" Sarcasm drips from my voice.

"You're going to want me back. We were together almost a year. We've only been broken up a month, have you really not missed me?" He eyes me up and down.

"Why would she miss a douchebag?" Ann laughs. I didn't even notice she had returned. "By the way, if you date Stephanie, it would be super creepy. Stephen and Stephanie? You would sound like brother and sister."

"Ann, mind your own business. I gotta go, talk to you later Amelia." He glares at Ann before turning and leaving.

"Hopefully not." I add."I can't believe I dated him. He thinks sleeping with other people while being in a relationship is okay. Now that I think about it, he probably cheated on me multiple times. I only knew about Stephanie because she told me about it to rub it in my face."

"Do you miss him?" Ann catches me off guard with that question.

"I don't know. I mean for the most part he was nice and considerate. But that doesn't change what he did. When I confronted him about the cheating he just confirmed and said "yeah, so? It was just sex." Very nonchalantly."

I didn't ask him if there had been others because I was afraid of the answer. Feeling humiliated was enough when Stephanie had sought me out just to inform me. It had always seemed like she had a crush on him, but when I asked Stephen about that earlier, he would shrug and explain that she was just a friend. Wow, I must have been real naive or just plain stupid to have believed that.

"Ugh, but look on the bright side, at least now you know how he acts instead of wasting any more time on him."

"I guess."

"Maybe you should go on some dates for fun? Especially now that we are going to look super hot with our new abs and toned butt." Ann wiggles her eyebrows.

"Umm no, and I have learned my lesson. No more working out for me."

"Sorry to tell you this but you are stuck coming with me. Or if you want, I can wake you up with ice water everyday. You know I'll do it." She sings the last sentence.

I honestly don't doubt it.

"I know. I'm going to head back and get ready for my art appreciation class. See you later."

"Alright, bye. Wait, do you work today?"

"No, not until the weekend." I don't mind since I usually stay in anyways.

"I'm giving you a break tomorrow but we resume exercising friday!" She yells at my direction as I walk away.

"Stop saying that horrible word!" I say referring to the term"exercise".

As soon as I get home I shower and dress casually. If I could, I would wear pajamas. I mean, I guess I can, but they mostly have holes in several weird places so it wouldn't look cute. So I stick with skinny jeans and a simple white blouse.
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"Homework is evil." I whisper to myself as I gaze at my pile of assignments. I'm also working on coming up with stories for the school's online newspaper, "The Daily Cougar" which is named after our mascot. It's funny because instead of the animal, I always seem to picture an old lady and young guy. Don't judge me.

I decide I've had enough and leave my bedroom to take a quick break and drink some water.

Just as I place my hand on the refrigerator handle, the doorbell rings.

I rarely get visitors so it might be for Rebecca. She always has friends coming to visit or to pick her up to go to parties.

During an apparent moment of stupidity, I fail to check the peephole and open the door.

"Hello Amelia."

"What the hell are you doing here? I don't feel like talking to you." I don't bother trying to hide the disdain in my voice.

"I heard Stephen is trying to get back with you." Stephanie basically snarls.

I roll my eyes.

"Goodbye." I start to close the door without engaging her in a argument I'm positive she wants.

"I just want you to know that we have been going out unofficially. Whatever he told you was a lie. Stay away from him because I love him and eventually he will forget about you."

I want to tell her it's sad that she's pining over someone like Stephen who will end up cheating on her. I should tell her to leave me the fuck alone and that I want nothing to do with the both of them.

Instead of saying any of that, I just shrug before closing the door and say "I really don't care."

I wander back into the kitchen and finally drink some water. Why has this day been so weird?

I hear my phone buzz in my pocket and check it to find a new text.

I miss you. Call me

Seriously? Suddenly I hear the doorbell ring again.

Shit. Did Stephanie come back? Does she have superpowers that tell her when he contacts me? My annoyance is up to the ceiling right now.

I go straight to the door prepared to yell when I see Rebecca.

"Sorry, I forgot my keys. Good thing you're home." She enters the apartment and puts down her purse on the floor.

"I thought it was someone else." I relax.

"Hey I forgot to tell you, eariler I accidently grabbed your mail this morning. Hold on." She goes to her room with her raven black hair swinging behind her.

"Here." She passes me two letters as soon as she returns.

"Thanks." I start looking at them.

I see one from my aunt Angela. I really need to call her.

The next I wish I hadn't seen. On the left corner where it has the sender's address it says:

John M. Wynne Unit

Huntsville, TX

Immediatly my heart drops.

"Are you okay? You look worried." Rebecca asks pulling me out of my daze.

I wonder if she saw this and knows where it's from? Will she ask me questions? I might be overreacting, after all many don't have a reason to know about men's prison.

I quickly put a fake smile on my face and shake my head.

"I'm good." I then calmly walk to my room and stuff the letter in the back of my clothes drawer.

Ignore it. It doesn't exist.

I'm not planning on telling anyone I recieved that. Even Ann, the only one here who knows about my past.

I file it in the back of my mind, lie to myself and pretend to be okay.
A/N: What do you think of Stephen and Stephanie? Also, what's your theory on the mysterious letter? Let me know in the comments!

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