Chapter 2: Coffee Talk

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"You got to talk to Alex Woods? Lucky bitch!" Ann squeals while putting her long blonde hair into a bun.

"Why am I lucky? It's not like he's royalty or something. Plus you told me he's a man whore slash player." I retort.

"Which I'm surprised you didn't hear about since you're the chief editor of the school's newspaper. Shouldn't you know everything?"

"I focus on real news not rumors. This isn't Gossip Girl." Even though I love that show.

I go back to wiping down the cash register. I just started my shift at the university's cafe, which is simply named "Coffee bean", and I already just want to go to my apartment and lay down in my comfy bed.

I have been working here for a year and am suprised I've made it this long because...

A. I hate coffee
B. I hate making coffee. Here it's
"home made" so I can't just use a fancy machine
C. Okay, I don't know how to actually make it and everytime I try, it tastes shitty
D. We would most likely lose clients if they had to taste what I made

So due to all of the reasons above I try to avoid making it and do other things like ringing up the customer, cleaning, helping set out the pastries, and basically anything but coffee related stuff. Thank god Ben the manager is understanding because I really need this job to save up money for when I graduate.

"That doesn't mean you can't enjoy the view, he's hot! Don't you agree?"

"I mean, yeah, he's not ugly." I try to downplay it.

"Maybe you can have some fun with him." Ann starts.

"What? No, why are you-" She interrupts me before I can finish.

"I'm just kidding! No need to freak out."

"Good cause me and him are never going to happen."

"Ooo, you and who? Tell me Jenny, my dear new friend." I hear a deep voice enter our conversation.


"Hello Alex." I turn to face him. He's still wearing the same black T-shirt and jeans from earlier today.

"Hello beautiful." He winks at me. I do a mental eye roll. I roll my eyes so much that Ann has told me one day my eyes are going to get stuck back there. My response? You guessed it, I rolled my eyes at her.

"We're talking about uh, Channing Tatum. She's obssesed with him." Ann makes up. I can tell she's biting the inside of her cheek trying not to laugh.

"Really? Let me guess, you watched all those Magic Mike movies?" He smirks.

"So what if I did? And my name is not Jenny as you now know." I actually haven't seen the films but whatever. Channing Tatum is hot anyways.

"You are and always will be Jenny to me." He puts his hand over his chest dramatically.

"You know I've never seen you here before." I mention.

"That's cause I always go to the closest Starbucks. But since they're going to be closed for awhile, I have to find my caffine fix somewhere."

I quickly remember the Starbucks on campus flooded and is currently closed for renovation. Ben is overjoyed about that since now we have been getting more customers which means more business.

"Speaking of which, can I have a venti caramel mocha?" Alex adds.

"Venti?" I raise my eyebrow.

"It means large." He looks at me like I should know this. "Everyone knows that."

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