Chapter 23

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A/N: Sorry guys my movie is messing up... So I have to get another one... So here is a chapter while we wait for my movie to stop messing up... ENJOY!

Shadow's POV

I lay being lazy on Sideswipe's shoulder, he was bored and so was I, SunStreaker and Jazz were both looking around and being quiet, Sideswipe sighs and I do too, he sighs again and I do too, "Takin it slow but it's not typical~ he already knows that my love is fine, his heart was stone but his hands were froze, I turned them to gold and it took him higher~" I sing 'Roses by The Chainsmokers' "I like that song!" Jazz squeals a manly squeal.

"Wow Jazz, that was such a great mech squeal you did!" Sideswipe teases I giggle, "What are you giggling at squishy?" SunStreaker sneers, so I keep quiet, "That was mean SunStreaker, apologize!" Sideswipe orders, "Those disgusting things are under me," he says disgusted with me and my species, "And they are so stupid, they are bringing extinction to their own kind!" SunStreaker argues, "I don't see why you and Ironhide stick up for humans? They are disgusting organic creatures," I felt hurt, the reason is because I told him everything, I felt hurt, even betrayed.

"So what? Shadow saved our lives! You should be a little bit more nicer to her!" Sideswipe argues, "No, that thing is disgusting, and I rather show more respect to an ant on the ground then her," he sneers.

Soon they start to argue, Sideswipe sets me down, I go to speak but Jazz shuts me up, "I wouldn't do that," he says, I sit down and cover my ears, when I was 3 mom and dad always fought, about me, bills and other adult things I didn't understand, and I still don't.

"Stop" I whimper, their yelling gets louder, "Please stop," I plead helplessly, their voices start carrying throughout the ship and get into my head. My eyes widen and a memory starts creeping in, but I push it back.

I feel my world spinning before I knew it I pass out.

Shadow's Memories

"I don't care Devin! You still cheated on me with Betsy at the diner, we have a daughter together!" Mom argues, I was only three, I was in my closet, my hands over my ears and I was crying, I wanted them to stop fighting... to stop yelling, they would fight all day and night, it would last for three days straight, Mom would sleep in my room with me, and Dad would have their room.

They would fight at the drop of the faucet, their voices start cutting through the walls and I was caught in the crossfire, "Ugh! You think I love you?! You have got to be shitting me?!" Dad yells getting his loud,
strong voice in the argument, "How dare you!" Mom yells, "How dare me?! How dare you! Having a no good daughter like Shadow! She's a pathetic waste of human life to the Dodge family! I would rather have her dead then our dog!" Dad yells, my heart clenches painfully, I get up and run towards our bathroom, I walk in and close the door.

I break a razor and take the blade that had fallen out, I grab a hand-towel and shove it in my mouth, and I set the razor on my wrist.









Blood seeps out of the cuts on my arm, tears flood my vision, my right hand drops the blood covered razor.

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