Chapter 41 & Long A/N Note

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Hello everyone! The votes are in, and the winner of the vote is.....

Drum Roll please?

*Drum Roll, while I pull out a envelope out of thin air* in this envelope is the winner of the vote you all took and the winner issssssssssssssssss *Opens envelope slowly*

Congratulation Cybertronian you have won!!!

*Applause and cheering*

Yes my lovely readers the winner of the voting is Cybertronian, me and my cousin who has been helping me with this book actually helped me think of how she is going to become one. I hope you all are not mad at the vote if your choice didn't win, don't worry My Cousin and I did count up the votes, Cybertronian did win, me and my cousin hope this story will still keep you readers and viewers entertained with my story.

Reminder: Shadow will stay human for a little while longer

Also what interested me was that most of you asked for her being Cybertronian but can still change into a human I can do that and I will have Ironhide and Shadow cuddle time because to me that was just adorable so for you people that asked for that you are welcome! :)

Enjoy the chapter!
3 Months Later

Ironhide's POV

Chromia and I walked up to the school once again because Shadow got into a fight with a boy. The 5th and possibly the last fight, she's gotten into and it was getting old pretty fast. Chromia had gotten a call from the school again telling us that Shadow was involved in a fight. I mean a fistfight with these kids. I wonder what they did to piss Shadow off? Have you seen Shadow angrier than the pits of Koan? Let me tell you it ain't pretty. Trust me and the others.

Anyways, Chromia and I walked straight to the office after pulling up to the school and getting out of my alt, I see Shadow with the principle, who is telling her she's suspended for a week, Shadow didn't really care, something was wrong with my sparkling and I wanted to know what was wrong. The principle sees me and Chromia, "Ah Mr. and Mrs. Hide, I was just telling Shadow that she has a week out of school suspension," he says smiling, I grumble and grab Shadow's bag while Chromia grabbed her servo, Chromia was pissed off at the kids for making Shadow pissed, and was mad at Shadow for fighting with the kids.

Once out to my alt I started it up and drove home, "What happened?" Chromia finally speaks up looking back at Shadow, "I won't tell you!" She snaps, "Shadow," I warn, "No!" She growls, I felt hurt Shadow has never spoken to me that way, "Young lady when we get home you are to do your homework, then your chores and then go upstairs to your room and stay there until I, Ironhide or the others call you down for supper, do you understand?" Chromia orders, Chromia didn't like ordering Shadow around, it hurt Chromia for using a hard stern tone on Shadow, Shadow looked hurt in her eyes but kept a hard look on her face, "Do I make myself clearer?" Chromia orders, "Crystal," Shadow snaps then crosses her arms over her chest.

Once home Shadow grabs her things and jumps out closing the door with care then stomps into the house.

Shadow's POV

I was furious! That little punk got what he deserved!

I punched that kid square in the nose like Hide taught me, I felt so proud when blood came out of his nose and he started to cry, then I gave him the beating of his life.

Shadow's Memory of her 5th fight

"Hey, Nerd!" Collin called, he's a big fat bully he especially hates me. "Hey Collin," I groan kicking my ball with my foot gently, I walk after it but freeze when Collin says:

There's a Autobot in my barnHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin