19. Games

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"i got him" i hear Alex's voice. The darkness of the 21:45 sky is dripping into the room but behind the building are some yellow lights that cast rays on the floor. 

"where?" how nice it is to wake up to remember the hitman squad that's hunting you down while you are trying to find the piece of shit you are hunting down, and next to you there is a very sexy man who just gave you the best sex you've ever had in your life. I look out the window surveilling all possible hit points. For a hitman a tall residential building works best. If you got a window, even better. It provides protection while taking the shot. There is only one building with a good enough shot. It's about 100 feet across ussuriyskaya street. But that's too close range. Snipers have this weird competitive thing, the longer the range, the better the word. 

"i found him about three hours ago getting out of a car. i was going to call but i was being watched constantly. He was walking into an expo center in Moskva, there was a gun show being held there this morning" he speaks as i  get out of the bed and put Kaden's shirt on because it was right there in front of me. This shirt tied my hands. Oh god the thoughts i'm having. 

"where did he go after?" i play with my own fingers as i walk through the concrete floor. 

"a mansion. southeast Moscow. Rublevka area. listen, i identified the men he was with. they are the CEOs of  McSoner firearms, Dekinman corporation, and Osio finances"

"they're involved" i whisper to myself. 

"and i did pull some more intel that says that McSoner just came out with a new prototype of a chemical bomb, a government funded weapon. Illegal in the US, that's why they're all in Moscow."

"He's going to smuggle into Syria. no connection to the Russian government and they get their hands clean while promoting a civil war"

"they've been laughing in our faces for too long those motherfuckers. let it be clear, that's the only reason i'm helping you"

"that works for me" i smirk.

"Lacy told found out that there's a shipment ready to be sent out. all she knows is that it'll happen in the next 2 days. if you make noise, it'll go out sooner."

"Alex, thank you. now i need everything you can possibly find out on Shvetz Petro,  director of SVR. i'll open up the IP address for about 5 seconds." i go over to the computer and turn the VPN off. 

"you just popped up" he informs me and i turn it back on. Then he confirms my number. "i'll send you a file"  with that he hangs up.

i turn to the bed where Kaden is still sleeping on his chest. Something has changed in me. he has done something to my insides, not in the physical way because i definitely feel sore, but in the way that makes my chest feel empty. Like i never noticed it before. i never notice my emptiness, my loneliness. i've never felt it the way i now know it's there. a space in my life that needs to be filled. he's the only person i've ever wanted to touch so bad. the only person i've ever wanted to hold so bad because of everyone i've ever met, no one's ever made me feel this secure, this... safe. i've never given up control so easily, or trusted anyone with my life so directly. and i've been alone for so long that all i want is for someone to just... want me. to understand me. but he hasn't asked about my feelings. he let me fall apart that night in his house, but he didn't feel the need to put me back together, to talk about it. 

 i go over to the bed again and climb to his side. there, i slide my hand over his scarred back. he has a bullet scar and another one of a larger cut. i climb onto his back softly and he suddenly wakes up. his first reaction is to turn around and pin me to the bed. i laugh at his reaction with my hands held down by him. "hi" i say giggling. 

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