25. impaired

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about 5 minutes later Dr. Rocha comes out. "Skylar, please walk with me to the lab?"

i stand up but still question "why?" i follow him through the halls and to the medical wing where he's at all times. "what happened in there"

"we have concluded that you did, in fact, act according to protocol and that there this is a good thing, that these men are gone and will no longer cause the horrible problems they were capable of coming up with. your credibility could have been compromised but i convinced them that what Ryan told us about your memory problems he did to support the lie that he'd killed Petrov to save you from going to prison too. What will happen to him depends entirely on Steve, but he would have to tell Human Resources about his little TEST01 organization, and being quite honest i don't think he will. specially if he finds out that during your small vendetta you were exposed to radiation," we enter the small lab and he tells me to sit down on the MRI bed. if it's left to Steve he's capping him. i know it. 

"please look up here and try to be as still as possible" he sets me up and walks out of the room into the small viewing room in front of it. i start to formulate suspicions in my mind.

i stay still for about 30 minutes looking at the white plastic above me. once it's done the table slides out and i look at the viewing room where i find Kaden and another tow doctors.

"Hello," Rocha tells me. "that wasn't so bad, was it"

"Tell me what's going on," I say quickly, nervous like I haven't been in a while.

"The images show this small block of cells forming on membranes around the limbic system where you have your hippocampus and your amygdala which are both crucial to the storage of memories" I let my head fall on my hands, knowing what's coming. "It grows in parts of your brain and disrupts the paths your brain has created to access memories. So your memories will be there, you just can't access them. You are positive for what is called a meningioma tumor. These tumors are often slow-growing. Most of them are not cancerous and thus do not require immediate intervention, however... yours... it's spreading. It's already abnormally developed. if we do not intervene it could enlarge and ultimately kill you though that is extremely rare. we don't have to do it immidiately...." he clarifies. "for your convinience, but.... i do suggest taking care of it as soon as possible. we'll have you transfered back to the New York quarters, they might be able to better deal with the problem"

"I have a tumor?" the words come out slowly and as if I had rocks in my stomach, heavy.

"Yes, you do. we do not know exactly how or why they form, we don't know the contents of this chamber you walked into so I can't know exactly what is going to happen" he says looking down with an apologetic expression, he grabs my hand in his. "This will not affect the result of the hearing because the tumor is just in its beginning stages, meaning your memory shouldn't necessarily be corrupted"

I take a glance to the viewing room where Kaden stands, and as soon as Rocha leaves the room he makes his way here. I'm sitting down on the table and as soon as the door clicks closed resentment washes over me. He stands away, by the door, not moving.

"you knew" I whisper to myself, knowing he'd hear. he doesn't say a word, instead, he walks slowly to me. "don't come near me!" I yell at him through tears. "you knew, didn't you?" I look up to meet his red eyes. "it's advanced" I tell him. "you... you should have told me!" then he's in front of me and i wish I could express my anger right now, i wish I could tell him to go away and to not return, but instead I let him grab my shaky hand and run his fingers over my palm. "when did you know?"

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