22. i come with knives

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19:35. The bartender called the police as soon as my knife took a trip into a man's chest. As soon as I walked in I tried to find a bathroom  where I could call either Kaden or Alex. Instead i was approached by a group of men. "you're that girl, aren't you?" the main guy looked me up and down. "i'm Alexei Shvetz"

"the human trafficker? oh man" i let out a short deep laugh. He nodded to his men and they tried to touch me. i pulled my 9mm from my leg holster and laid it by my side. A silent warning and a smile hanging on my red lips. i might add, colourpop did not disappoint, the thing's still on perfectly. 

The man sucked his teeth. "that's hot. However.... Do you know the price on your head? You really shouldn't have messed with Richards, pretty" i stayed silent and his men pulled guns. "and as for Ryan, he's dead. i didn't think you'd just walk into my bar!" his teeth clenched but i didn't move. his hand caressed my cheek. "ugh..." he looked at my body for the last time. "you... are... a dream"

"no. no. i've been told i'm quite the opposite" i put my gun in my holster and in one move disarmed a guard and pulled a choke hold on him from behind. With HIS gun i take aim at his buddies and shot 3 of them, the other one thought he was in a movie or something and took a shot at me that his man's shoulder and i shot him on the spot. When only the main man was standing and i had blood all over my cheek i dropped him on the floor and walked toward the leader, who by this time was retreating, everyone in the bad was taking some sort of cover and i dropped the gun on the floor, deciding to play a little mind game. 

i ran a finger down my cheek, collecting the blood on my skin and ran the finger down my tongue as he watched. "how much is the bounty?" i ask him quietly. 

"$50,000" he shakes. 

"And why do you think that is? Because i'm easy?.... Lucifer will have a good time with you" i take my knife out and lick it. It only increases his paranoia, as long as he doesn't know what i'm capable of he'll have to assume the worst. Chuckling I walk to him. But the man, in some desperate show of bravery reaches for a gun on the floor but before he can even aim at me i throw the knife into his chest. i grab my phone and dial Kaden. 19:40. "i might have had an inconvenience" i announce and take a peak outside the door. there is no exit to this building. the roof. it suddenly occurs to me. "i'll just take another 10"

"got it" is all he says, not much of a talker the guy. But i never knew i would be relieved to hear his voice. i hang up and see no other than Elizabeth and her CIA ninja turtles road the corner. I walk out with my gun on my hand, a tiny explosive on the other. 

"i do believe they called the police, not you people" i announce as i walk outside slowly and she holds up her hand to hold fire. She recognizes what i'm bouncing on my hand. And that's the only reason i'm not dead. 

"drop your weapon, you're surrounded" 

"You know that's bullshit. also, i have a knack for disappearing" i chuckle and she steps to me slowly"

"Skylar, listen to me. i have a proposition. Come with me and i can promise you pardon"

"Pardon? That sure sounds attractive" i sit on a car's hood. "but... if my memory doesn't fail me i do remember the burn notice that went on me the night of the Vancouver case. i don't believe in your pardon... right now however, i am on a personal... vendetta" i wave my hand. "and i like to finish my work" i slip off the hood when she's right in front of me. i walk to the bar's door so that i can go back inside. i grab her chin with my gun to her temple. i slipped in the small bomb into the gun's barrel, once it goes off, it goes boom. "stop" i speak carefully. "looking! for me!" i point at the car i hopped down from and shoot, let go of the gun and the blast throws everyone within 10 feet off balance. i run up the stairs and onto the roof, but not before blasting another bomb at the feet of the stairs. i run across the rooftop and jump onto the next. low buildings in this side of town are incredibly close. i jump roofs in the eastern direction. the train station is half a mile from here so i'll be there in 3 minutes.

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