Chapter two

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A month later
The palace of Ratankot
In the suite of the Queen, Rani Charumitra,

"Daimaa, where is Adira, I have been looking for her since morning. You know I don't like to be kept waiting. Why is that girl never there when she is need. "
Sitting on a reclining chaise was a fumingRani Charumitra. She was an ordinary looking women, with a round big nose and thin lips and smaller deep set eyes. Her thin small structure did not help her in anyway. Her looks had not changed much over the years but then political marriages were not about looks or compatibility, no not at all, just the family name and lineage. Since the Rani Hemlata had been unable to bear anymore children after Kumari Adira he had married Rani Charumitra so that she could bear him an heir and she had indeed presented him with a boy an heir within ten months of their marriage. Although she too had been unable to bear anymore children after her first delivery.

"Ranisa, Kumari Adira has gone to the goddess Durga temple"........
"What ..?"
" Adira went to the Durga Ma temple.......the one that is outside the city. "

"What?..........why did she have to go without my permission? There is so much work to do here at the palace and what does she do, anyway. Whiling the whole day away.Instead of helping me she goes loafing around the city. That ungrateful girl. After all I have done for her."

"Ranisa, today is Friday, and you know of course that she has been going to the Goddess Durga temple every Friday for years now."

"So what? She could have asked me and gone does it matter if she misses one day. You know I have spoiled that girl silly with my love and affection. She needs to be taught a lesson. She does so misuse my soft heart. Now old women  when will that girl be back ? How does the Rajasahib expect me to do everything all by my self. "

At times like these she looked more like a petulant child than a matured women. But then that is what she was. A spoilt girl who had never changed after marriage, was still as selfish, self-centered, egotistical and uncaring as she had been when she first came here to Ratankot.
"Soft heart my foot!!!! It was she who whiled away the whole day while Adira worked from dawn to late in the night managing the whole palace. I have yet to see her do a kind deed for my child in all these years.
"Go look for her and send her immediately ".

Bowing down Daimaa quietly left the suite of the queen, moving towards the kitchens, hoping that Adira had returned by now. The Ranisa was in one of her moods and only Adira could handle her.
Oh!!!that child. She had been dealt badly with by life, but her inner strength always got her through. Having become a widow at such a tender age, she had never experienced happiness in the arms of a man, nor will she know the joy of giving birth to a child........ Having a family to call your own. It was difficult living like a dependent with your own family.
But Rani Hemlata her mother, God bless her soul and I had trained her well to accept her lot in life and to stand tall against all odd.
If  only .....hmmmm........... if only there was some to take care of her, then, only then could I rest in peace. Knowing I was free from my promise to her dear dead mother. Knowing that She was been taken care of as she should, as she deserved. Not left all alone to lead the  life of an unpaid servant with no one to care for her. If only there was a man in her life. A strong caring man.

Entering the kitchen Daimaa found Adira as usual organising the kitchen staff for lunch. The royal kitchens were a labyrinth of interconnected rooms surrounding the main kitchen hall. It required an army of its own to operate. The Ranisa had recently hired a French chef, after her trip to Paris and her sudden love for French cuisine. Lunchoen was an elaborate affair even on a ordinary day, with a five course meal served in the informal dining hall . The Rani Charumitra liked everything to be lavish. So everything had to be elaborate and as befitting the royal family. That included all the meals. And today of all days the fancy chef had apparently decided to throw a tantrum. It looked like Adira was trying to trying to pacify the pompous fool.

Standing in the middle of the kitchen in her dull brown saree with her head covered, she still stood out in the crowd. She was beautiful inside out and her beauty and grace made her stand out in any crowd. Her mother the Rani Hemlata had been a renowned  beauty, and Adira had inherited her striking beauty and  natural grace.  But more than her outer beauty it was her inner beauty that mesmerised everyone. That Attracted people to her. Here was true beauty.

Thank God!! the child was back from the temple in time. Panting from the long walks she tiredly made way towards where Adira was standing. Maintaining protocol she respectfully addressed the princess.

"Kumarisa, the Ranisa is looking for you. I think you need to make haste, child.
Turning to seeing the dear old women standing just behind her looking all tired she gently took her hand and led her to a shabby  old chair standing in one corner of the kitchen.
"Daimaa, come sit." Offering her a chair she made her sit.
" Now will you tell me why you are running around. You know your knees will start paining again. Why didn't you send someone for me." She gently admonished Daimaa.

"Ranisa is in a tizzy. And since no one knew your where abouts she sent for me. The lazy lot didn't look, otherwise they would have found you where you always are at this time. The useless lot!!! Well!! Now you need to rush. Go ahead child, I shall sit here and see that everything is in order."

A few hours later Daimaa was sitting out side her room in the porch waiting for Adira to come with her lunch, which they always ate together. It was a small cottage with two room, one was Adira's and the other hers. The cottage was at a distance from the main palace buildings. Adira did not stay in the palace as she should be doing. Instead she was living in this run down old cottage. The Rani Charumitra had made Adira leave her suite in the palace after the death of Adira's mother the Rani Hemlata. Saying that as a widow Adira had no need for the comforts of the royal palace. That my poor dear should lead the life destiny had delt her. The Rana sahib should have said something but Rani Charumitra was the mother of his son and a son trumped a daughter anytime. So she had requested the Ranaji to let her move in with Adira . To which he had agreed. So for Adira's sake she had left her son and daughter in law's home and moved in with Adira. And now here they were living next to each other. It was bare and basic but comfortable.

Where was the child , it was well after the luncheon hour and she had still not come. I was thinking of getting up to go and look for her when, sure enough Adira entered with a covered tray.
"Sorry Daimaa! I am so late in coming . It took longer than usual to wind off luncheon. You must be hungry."
Setting the tray on a low table she uncovered the plain fare that she had got, and placed the food in front of me
"Oh!! The poor child would never admit but sure enough the Ranisa must have given her a tough time. 
"Where is your plate, won't you be eating."

"No Daimaa, today is Friday you forgot I fast today."
"Ahhhh... yes. It seems my age is catching up with me. Now tell me child  why was that hag in such a tizzy. Something had her really shaken up."

"Daimaa, we are having some important guest coming to stay in a few days".

"Who? Did she mention some one?"

"Daimaa, she just mentioned that someone important will be arriving next Wednesday and I am to prepare the golden pavilion. That is all."
"The golden pavilion!!!! But that suite is given to very very important guests only."
"Yes Daimaa".
"Didn't she mention the name."
"No Daimaa. You know she will not tell me ".
"Adira!child! tell me, isn't Kamal Lata, Rani Charumitra 's niece too arriving two days from now."
"Yes Daimaa, she is".
"Now!!!!....... something is not right. That old batty is hiding something."

Daimaa loved gossip and she had not only a sharp mind but a nose that could smell a news from a mile away. But she was harmful she would never dream of hurting anyone. Just that in this age with nothing much to do she looked to gossip for entertainment. Picking up the tray of dirty utensil I left the room to go back to the palace. There was a long list of chores to be completed before the guests arrived and Ranisa was difficult to handle as it is on the best of days.

This is my first novel I know my story in a very rough draft sort of way and really enjoying writing it. I hope u enjoy reading it as much too. If you would like to know something please feel free to ask me. As my readers I hope I can do justice to ur expectations. Enjoy.😍

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