Chapter four

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My hands can
hold your wrists
your hair twined
around my fist
Your heat
against my hips
Your name
upon my lips
To feel your need
with mine
To kiss your lips
and take my time
These emotions have me
so entwined
That my heart is awaiting to say
I love you.    

Three days later
In golden pavilion
On the upper terrace of the suite.

"Damn!!! It is as though I am looking for a ghost. I just can't seem to find her."
Kumar Abhimanyu walked in grumbling to his friend who was lounging on the terrace having his afternoon tea. Turning a chair he plonked down on it.
"Who is like a ghost" ,Bharat laughed, amused at his friends frustration with not being able to find this certain person.
"Oh!! Don't damn me, Bharat." Not liking his friend laughing at his expense. "You know very well who!! The same person I have been hunting for, for the past month. Adira!!!!! I just can't seem to find her. It is as though she doesn't want to be found." He ground out.

"Well!! You do know that you are here to meet a certain princess whom your parents want you to marry. The Kumari KamalLata........ He is hardy going to like seeing you pursue another women instead of her."
"Yes! Yes! I can hardly forget what, with both you and Joginder my man Friday, reminding me constantly. Joginder is on a special mission it seems to get me married as soon as possible. Just the right blood line is required. My mother's put him on to it. But I need to talk to Adira..... Just once." He sounded so miserable.
Abhimanyu and Bharat were childhood friends. Meeting in School at Mayo, they had forged a strong bond. Then both had gone to college together in England. If there was someone that Abhi could talk to it was Bharat.

Taking pity on his friends misery finally Bharat let out.
"See here, this is where it pays to not be royalty. I have found out all about the Kumari Adira."
"Kumari Adira? As in princess Adira?"
"Yes my friend, she is princess of Ujjangarh. The eldest child of the Rana. Apparently she was married off as a child bride to a sickly boy. This sort of thing still happen here in the interiors you know. Anyway this boy passed away before he could turn twelve, making the Kumari a widow before she could ever be a bride. What a waste!!! So Kumari Adira has lived all her young life as a widow. Life was perhaps easier for her when her mother was alive but after her mother  passed away, the stepmother Rani Charumitra has turned Kumari Adira, into a glorified house keeper. She manages the whole palace, the whole estate everything."
"The Ranaji seems like a decent sort of guy. One would think that he would be seeing to his daughter."
"Uhuh....not really my friend!! I believe he is quite a self-centred sort of a man. Not all that interested in what is happening around him. If it were up to him the estate would run down a long time ago. But I believe the first Ranisa, Kumari Adira's mother ran the entire management and Kumari Adira does it. The Ranaji is too busy in his books and horses to come out and see what is happening to his daughter. The Rani Charumitra treats her very shabbily you know. The Kumari has it quite tough in life.She is not someone to amuse yourself with. My friend!!! " Rebuking his for his actions. Then gently suggesting "I suggest you look somewhere else for amusement. If she wants to be a ghost then let her be one" he pondered.
Stunned into silence by all the information his friend had blurted out. He didn't know how to react for a moment. But all he could think about was this amazingly mesmerising women that he was attracted to like hell. There was no way he was not going to meet her again. After a long contemplative silenc.
" did you find out so much about her." Amazed at all that his friend had just revealed to him.
"My manfriday, Hari," replied smugly. "I asked him to discreetly find out all that he could.  He is a hardcore gossip and knows the art of making people tell their deepest secrets. The locals were more than happy to talk about their beautiful beloved rajkumari, and how amazing she is......They love her you know.... Her  mother and she are much respected by the locals. Can't say the same for Rani Charumitra though."
"Now how do I get her alone. I need to talk to her." Not liking the track the conversation was taking.
"Bharat ! Damn it! I am serious, I am not asking this lightly. So God dammit!! now help me, for I will meet her one way or another with or without your help"
"Ok!!ok!! Man!!" Bharat sighed. "Fine !! I'll help you. But you better not forget that this is only to be once. Your meeting the Kumari. So........ about the Kumari. What I've heard is that she stays in a small cottage with an elderly nanny. It is an old out house. Since the Kumari Adira lives there none go there out of respect. It is quite far away from the main palace building. After dinner.............

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