Chapter ten left all alone

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The Royal palace
Just after lunch
Chinese salon

"Rani Charumitra I am honoured!! Indeed!! Deeply! Deeply honoured. I simply cannot tell you, how much our friendship means to me. You thought of me and then chose to gift me so well! This piece of land has been a part of my family holding for years and we sadly lost it due to unforeseen circumstances. Heeheehee... "
Rani Charumitra smiled demurely, knowing that the particular piece of land that he was talking about had been gambled away by him. Sitting in her salon she was having her afternoon tea. The best of the Darjeeling tea ..She had bought it knowing she would need it someday if she wanted some work out of him. He was a sleazy man and she knew that, he had no ethics but he was loyal to her out of necessity. And that worked for her. Since he was ready to do any sort of work she asked not minding the morality.
He was sitting there strutting like a peacock. He was a vulture preening like a peacock. A tiny thin man not more than five four, he had a recoding hair line, bushy eyebrows, a long nose and a big moustache. Hmmm..  and now I am in need of a vulture, someone who is not choosy about what is served on his plate. He was unsuccessfully trying to hide his glee but he was more than obvious.
"Of course! Chaudhary Himmat Singh. We understand how dear this property is to you. We are for ever in your debts for agreeing to take such a big burden off our hands. This was a very small gesture of gratitude."
The old fool was so easy to manipulate. He was debt ridden with nothing to his name that is why she knew he would happily accept her offer. He was ruled by his greed, and she understood such people. She was comfortable with greed, because it was easy to manipulate. He had already cremated four wife, and it was him and his greed that had killed them. Well! All that did not matter now since Adira would be under my thumb, after all this goes as planned. I tolerated him yes! because he had his uses. And right now I needed to get the two wedded as soon possible.
"Ahhh.. yes, the Kumari Adira. I know what a sad thing indeed. The poor child.. uhuh.. uhuh" he coughed to cover up his mistake. " the poor girl.. why it is hardly her fault... But I must say Rani Charumitra you have such a soft heart. Indeed you do. For thinking so much for a widow, a child who is not even yours Hehehe..." he couldn't stop gloating over the fact that not only was he getting a prime piece of land back for free but in the process he would also get the hand of the beautiful Kumari Adira. He was too old to be over fastidious about marrying a widow. He liked virgins and the younger the better. She was not only beautiful, she was also a virgin too. so he had no objections what so ever to this marriage. He better get married to the fair Adira before the Rani Charumitra changes her mind.

"So...... I was wondering Rani Charumitra when is the marriage to be. "
"Hmm.. the earlier the better. I have called the Pujari. He should be here soon. I too am not of a mind to wait."
"Can I meet with the Kumari Adira."
"No!!!!! Chaudhary Himmat Singh. You know Adira cannot know about the marriage till it is over with. Maybe after the wedding night she can be revealed the truth. "
Not minding what she was planning for her step daughter.
Just then the Rana Gangadhar walked in his footsteps more springy  than before. Happy to see his sister, he nodded to her in greetings and sat down on the chaise next to her.
"Ah..... Charu.. that tea is smelling sooooo good. Please pour me some too. I don't mind some of those sandwiches and the muffins and is that a samosa..."
"Ranasa.. the samosa is really good. Rani Charumitra has eaten three already..."
Just noticing the old bag of bone sitting near his sister he humped , the idiot was holding a small flask of whisky. Whisky in the afternoon, and by the look of it he had doused himself in it quite liberally. What did his sister see in him. Why did she keep him next to her all the time. He was the lowest of low creatures. She was giving him killer looks for his remarks right now. If looks could kill.
"Yes!!yes!! I think I don't..."
Not really all that keen to start a conversation with him.
"Charu, how is the little matter going. Have you....."
"Yes, brother I have called the Pujari to consecrate the wedding. I want it done as soon as possible. Before the Kumar kishangarh comes back. Then I want to tota......"
A loud knock interrupted Rani Charumitra.
She was going to ignore the knock when the knock came again. This time the caller knocked loudly and called out.
"Ranisa!! Ranisa!! It is urgent!! Ranisa."
Finally responding to the call.
"Come in." She commanded.
A footman entered.
"Sorry to disturb you, Ranisa. But the guard is back and he has asking for a audience with you, it is an urgent matter."
"What guard?" Puzzled at what the idiotic man was speaking.
"The guard y...... y.o ... you.. sent to keep an eye( at her angry look) sent to guard Kumari Adira." Thankfull that the sentence was over.
"Well then!! Don't just stand there go and get him."
The footman returned in a short while and announced the guard. The guard was looking miserable. He was a young man attired in the traditional dhoti Kurta  with an elaborate turban on his head. His clothes were green and white the colour of the royal family of Ujjangarh. His moustache was still in its infancy for they took the growing of it quite seriously. He had obviously been pushed to do the difficult chore of giving the bad news and taking the brunt. For a few moments he just stood there, shifting from one foot to the other, more like a school boy than a grown up guard in the royal palace.
"Don't just stand there you idiot!! Out with it. I sent you to keep an eye on Adira Kumari. So what could have gone wrong." She was having a hard time controlling her irritation.
"The Kumari Adira has run off ,Ranisa." He blurted out.
"Run off!! Where" stunned, this being the last thing she had expected.
"Into the thicket forest." The guard replied.
"Into the thicket forest?" Not sure she had heard correctly.
"Yes your highness!"
"Why would she go there?" This matter was getting extremely confusing.
Rana Gangadhar was look confused. Not sure yet as to what was happening. Chaudhary Himmat Singh was not looking very interested yet. Too busy indulging from his flask.
"Tell me all...... from the beginning. I want to know what happened."
The guard terrified now at having to stand in front of the Ranisa and revealing all. Her temper was legendary. She was not an easy person to work under. She was known to have anger fits and mistreat the staff for minor issues and this was not a simple one by any standards. He wished he could be anywhere else at this moment, that he had never been put on this duty. Kumari Adira was a kind and gentle lady. He would never wish bad on her but right now he wished for all that to never have happened.
"And don't miss out on anything.... I will know if you do."
"Yes, Hukum...... ..."
As he went on she could not believe what he was telling her. Obviously they had somehow become aware of her plans and Adira had run away.
"Oh.... that girl has runaway. She is going to take away my son, they will run away. My family name will be ruined. Charu.. you will send more guards out to find her and you will get her back. Or I shall not forgive you. "

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