Chapter thirteen /never to part

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Having his arms finally around her, knowing she had reached him, safe and sound. He had allowed his heart to ease. The heart beats merging with each other. Now after waiting so long the moment had finally come when he was with her. She had left everything for him . Fought against all odd to come here. Even put her reputation at stake. He felt honoured and in awe. She more than proved her love for him. Holding her face in the cup of his palms he brought her face up so he could gaze on to her beloved features. Word just wouldn't come on to his lips. His mind was in such a befuddled state. Slowly he rubbed his thumb on her lips. Reddening the softness making them more inviting. But at this moment he just couldn't stop looking at her. He had fallen for her the first time he had seen her in the old mans hut. It was a very strong attraction which had grown into love within a few days. She was an amazing woman and he had realised that the more time he had spent with her. He had known he was deeply in love, that last night when they had made the most amazing love. She was made for him, and she made him realise that with every moment she was with him.
His protective instincts always rose around her, not that she needed him to protect herself. She had proven herself quite adequately, by the way she had planned her escape and managed it too. She managed her father's estate and all activities connected to it. She was a strong woman who complemented him in every manner. He was extremely lucky to have her in his life. He was more than happy to just keep looking at her. He was not letting her out of his sight now, till she was well and truly legally tied to him by all laws. And that is just what he was going to do.
Going down on his knees, he took both her hands in his. Kissing first one then the other, he let out the words that he had been desperately waiting for.
"I love you Adira. Will you marry me? Will you become my wife."
Her breath stopped. "Abhi..............."
"Adira! Tell me please........... will you marry?"
She nodded too moved for words.
"Say it!! I want to hear you. Will you marry me, Kumari Adira Singh Chavad?"
"Yes! Yes ! ......... Yes! I will Abhi! I will marry you. I want to become your wife."
He got up and took her gently into his arms.
Shyly Adira hide her face in the crook of his arm. Her breath getting passional from the nearness of him, in this intimate position, unable to control her feelings. He too was warring with the same feeling. But not now right now he had something else on his mind. And he had to make sure that even if they get caught or everyone objected, still no one will be able to part them.
They walked out of the grove  a few minutes later. The guard were waiting outside for them. Gobind had come back to let us know that all was well. No one was about. Even the temple was all empty. Only the priest was there.
Abhi stood up, holding out his hand for me to hold. I happily put my hand into his. Pulling me up, he simply said," come.

Abhi asked Gobind to come too. A silent message passed between the two.  Then he requested Sitaram Kaka and Radha Kaki to come too. All of us started walking to the temple. Inder and Hari took their horses and rode off to watch the entrance from the main ground. Gajsingh waited near the horses to safe guard the camp. Gobind came inside with us.
He went ahead of us to look for the priest. In the dark not much was visible of the outer part of the temple but it was a simple building. Inside was a Shiva linga, a very ancient idol.
The priest came while we were praying to the lord. Abhi looked at Gobind. A question in his eyes. Gobind nodded. Abhi turned to me.
"Do you trust me?" He asked.
"You know I do, more than anyone."
"Will you marry me, now, here?"
"Just like that? You don't want to ask why?"
"No." A smile on her glowing face.
His eyebrows rose as if in question.
"I love you and I trust you fully. That is enough for me."
With a satisfied smile on his lips he turned and requested the pandit to get us married. And a short while later in front of four witnesses, with the blessings of the fire God Agni and Lord shiva the Supreme, we were married. We had become one now.
We came back to the camp, shortly afterwards. Hari built a small fire and  Radha Kaki cooked some food from the vegetables that Kakasa had brought from the market earlier in the day. Once the meal was over the guards went off to set a watch parameter around the exits. I helped Radha Kaki to clear up while Abhi and Sitaram sat talking. It all looked so peaceful and homely. One would never guess that so much had happened in the last few days. Once Kakasa and Kakisa retired to the camp they had set up outside the grove next to the cattle. We were finally alone for the first time. Abhi wanted to know everything that had happened after he had left Ujjangarh. I told him all as best as I could. How Daimaa had even been there when Rani Charumitra had been talking about marrying me off to the Chaudhary Himmat Singh of Pali. How all of it was because of some confusion about Kumar Chander Singh and they thinking he was in love with her! Adira. She was shocked at the extent that her step-mother Rani Charumitra was ready to go to. She felt hurt that Ranisa felt such malice for her. He had consoled her saying that it was the Ranisa's loss and his gain. Ujjangarh had lost a gem. It would be Kishangarh's priveledge to have her. He too told he all that had happened with him, how he had come back to Delhi to find all chaos with Bharat's messages waiting for him and how he had only one thought of getting here, to her. Where time flew in each other's company they knew not.
Holding hands they sat by the fire. Content to be with each other.
"I almost didn't recognise you in the gypsy clothes, do you know that?" Abhi had a bewildered look when he mentioned that fact.
"Hahaha.. " I laughed amused, he must have been expecting me in my white saree.
"The gypsy girls were having too much fun dressing me up, I didn't have the heart to tell them no!! Later I forgot about how I was dressed. So now you are married to a banjaran girl! A gypsy girl!! What will your parents say? Won't they be horrified? Ahhhh... their handsome prince married off to a gypsy girl....... but may be it would be better than marrying a widow?" One minute I had been so happy teasing him. And the next all I could think of was, had I ruined his life along with mine.
"Don't you ever say that.!!" He admonished. "You are the best thing to ever happen to me. The day you walked into my life I came alive. I now have someone who means the world to me!! Nohhh.. you are my world. My life."
You know something?" He asked.
"Now that we are legally married!! Tonight is our wedding night!!! Our first night as husband wife. That means that I have to give you a gift..... So...... since I am not carrying anything right now...... I promise to give you something later.... so what do you want...?"
"Nothing !! Husband."
"Say it again."
"What? Nothing." She giggled like a young girl.
"Nahhh... say husband again."
"Husband!! "
"My husband!! Mine!! " a fire starting to burn slowly in both their eyes.
" I know what to give you."
"A walk in the clouds."
"What!! Clouds!! As in the sky?"
"Ahha!! I will make you walk in the clouds. Would you like that?"
"Yes!! Yes!! Yes!! I would love it."
"So where is my gift?" He asked a naughty suggestive look on his face.
"What do you want?" Her cheeks blushing from the heat of the look in his eyes.
"You!!! Always you!!!"

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