Syrup kisses and playtime

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Ava was in the lead. Her team had a three lap's lead of us. It was only my team and her team. Ava's team lit was doing her lap when she started screaming from the pain. Ava was the first to reach her and she pulled her to the side but then Ava was gone. The race was stopped immediately. An other guy than jumped in to the pool and brought her lifeless body to the surface.


It is still raining but now it is pouring. I woke up on my back with my head on his arm. He is laying on his side and his right arm is over my waist. I feel his breathing on the back of my neck. This feeling is sending butterflies to my stomach. I could lie like this forever. "Morning bae. How are you feeling?" Dale says in his morning voice. I turned around and looked into his beautiful green eyes. "Morning. Did I wake you last night?" I said a bit flustered. "I am glad you did that couch is very uncomfortable and plus this bed is big enough the both off us." "So what are we going to do, are we going to stay in bed the whole day?" "What ever you want to do. Do you like pancakes?" "Yes." "Okay you stay right here while I'll go and make pancake's."

He kissed me on my lips and got up and walked to the kitchen. I lay on to his pillow and cover my whole body except my face and listen to the sounds in the kitchen. It is a bit nippy outside so I got out of bed and looked through Dale's closet and found one of his old Harvard hoodies and I put it on. It is way too big for me. I walked to the kitchen. "I told you to wait in bed." He said with his back to me. "But I missed you." I teased. He flipped the last pancake on to a plate and then he turned around. "Wow you look uhm." He said slowly looking from my feet up. "Do I look bad?" "No, not at all in fact you look stunning."

I have never met a guy that can make better food than me until now. Wow his pancakes are so delicious. Why is he staring at me? I try to ignore him and eat my delicious pancakes but I still feel his eyes on me. "Knock it off." "Never." He got up and walked around the table, went and sits over my lap, he gently grabs my face and slowly starts kiss the side off my mouth. I feel his tongue on my face. "What are you doing?" I manage to ask. "You had syrup on your cheek." He said like a naughty child. He starts biting and kissing my neck. He than looks at me whit his beautiful green eyes. "Do you want me to continue or should I stop?" "Want to but I'm not ready yet." "Okay, but I..." He kisses me in my neck. "Am." He bites me. "Still." A kiss "Going." A bite"To." A kiss on the lips  "Do." A bite on the neck.  "This." We are face to face only a centimeter apart form each other. He whispers. "Do you want more?" With a tease. His thumb wiping my lips. Then our lips meet and we kiss.

I lay on this bed my eyes closed trying to get my heart beat to go down. I won't survive this much longer. I need to take a long bath. I open the tap and fill the bathtub with warm water. I grab one of Dale's shower washes and threw some in. I lay in the bathtub full of bubbles and trying to relax. The door opens and Dale walks in. "Ava, I thought you were asleep." "I was trying to but I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to take a bath." "Is there enough space for me to?" I really like this flirting but come on. "Nope." I say popping the P. "You sure?" My heart is going crazy. "Yup." I say popping the P. "Okay when you are done I have a surprise for you." What type of surprise I ask myself? "Don't looks so worried. Not that kind of surprise." He left and closed the door.

After ten more minutes I got out and got dressed. I walk to the kitchen but Dale isn't there. I found him in the living room. "You can choose any movie to watch on Netflix. I will watch it with you and would not moan." "Are you sure?" "Yes." I sit down and Dale sits next to me his arm around me. I look threw the list there is me before you, the choice, but I chose London Has Fallen. We watched movie after movie after movie. "Hey, bae let's go to bed you are fallen asleep on me not that I mind but the bed would be more comfortable." "Okay." I mumble.

Dale POV

I couldn't resist the syrup on Ava's face and when she is in my clothing I almost can't control myself. When I saw her in the bath tub I almost jumped in with her. It is morning and I woke up whit her head and left arm on my chest, her left upper thigh over my leg, her feet entwined with mine. I put my arms around her and hold her tight. Moments later she lifted her head and looked me straight in the eyes. "Morning princess." I say. She looks at me for a few seconds then she climbed and sits on my waist. She looks at me almost asking permission. "You sure you want to?" I ask not wanting her to say no. then she started kissing me. My hands go upper and upper slowly up her shirt and when she bit my neck I flipped her so that I was on top. My hands gliding from her legs up to her waist. My phone starts ringing but I ignore it. I pull her top off and I start kissing her neck and going down. I pull off her purple shorts and  kiss her scar- tattoo . Her hands on my back scratching me. I moan from delight until I heard someone in the kitchen. I watch as Ava's face turns from pleasure too horrified. "Stay right here." I tell her I tell her and cover her up with the duvet. I grab the baseball bat and slowly walked to the kitchen.

No one is there I hear a noise in the living room as I enter the living room I hear Ava scream I run to her only to find my brother standing there. "Ava it is alright. It isn't Josh it is Anthony my brother." I turn to Antony. "What the hell? What are you doing here out of my bedroom!" He walked out of the room and I follow him before I close the door I tell Ava. "I'm sorry."

"What are you doing here?" "Mother asked me to come. Who is she you never let them stay over or have sex in your bed." "Ava is not a hooker she is my girlfriend." I say angry. "Oh she is the one on drugs, mother told me about her." Now my blood is boiling. "What exactly did mother say about Ava?" "Only that she has got you messed up in some trouble and that you two are smoking weed and getting into trouble. Honestly I didn't believe her you know how she is." My mother is going to pay for this. I see Ava in my clothing and coming out of my room. She walks to us. My brother extend his hand. "Andrew Nicolas Cunningham and you must be Ava." "We already met nineteen years ago. My name is Adelya Vanessa Anderson we use to be neighbours."


It felt good waking up in Dale's arms again. I'm ready. I sit on his waist. I keep my heart under control as I lean in for a kiss. His hands are warm as they go up my waist. I start to bit him in his neck. He flips me fast he is on top now. His hand gliding from my leg up. He pulls my top off. He starts kissing my neck and going down. He pulled my shorts off and kissing my scar- tattoo I start scratching his back he moan. His moan gives me Goosebumps. Then all the heat from my body escapes when I hear someone in the kitchen. Dale then covered me with the duvet and went to investigate. I was so scared then when I heard the noise in the room and I just screamed. Dale came running in. "Ava it is alright. It isn't Josh it is Anthony my brother." I sigh out of relive. "What the hell? What are you doing here out of my bedroom!" Dale yelled and they both left the room but before he close the door he tell me. "I'm sorry."I hear bits and pieces of an argument. I grab Dale's clothing put it on and went to introduce myself.

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