Christmas tree

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Kissing Ava in the elevator was indescribable grate and when that she thought she killed my, our brother I was shocked that she felt so guilty for doing something that wasn't true. My heart sank when she cried an all I wanted to do was to stop her tear flowing. That day I found out about her heart condition. I teased her just to see her blush later when she fell asleep on my lap I could help but take her to my house. I made her breakfast for lunch. I wanted to spend the entire day with her in bed making love but we couldn't because like always my mother had to rune everything.

Ava's POV

Four months have passed since I last talked to Dale and Antony. Dale bought the one percent share off of me last month. I was so grateful that Ethan handled everything. Josh went to live in apartment ten minutes walk from my house and he comes by every Thursday to check on me. Why I don't know but I like his company. It is Christmas in a week and I still haven't done Christmas shopping yet but I hope the stores are not that busy today.

Shop after shop I walked till I got everything I wanted to buy but I still have three things left to buy. Number one a new sliver locket for my mother, secondly for Ethan a gold and blue Grant Fossil watch and lastly I want to buy something for Josh. Something to say sorry and thank you for everything at the same time.

After I came from Blue Nile I went to a restaurant in the mall. After a quick meal I glance up at my watch and see that I have fifth teen minutes to get to my doctors appointment which I totally forgot about. "Shit." I cure under my breath as rush to my appointment. "I'm here sorry I am late. Traffic in the mall and on the roads was terrible, doctor." "It is fine you were actually a minute and 5 seconds early." "That is great." We walk into the doctor's consulting room.

I was sitting on the kitchen table thinking if everything is checked on my mental checklist. Number one buy Christmas presents. Check. Buy new tree decorations. Check. Buy food for Christmas day. Check. Buy new blankets. Check. Tell Josh... "Hey Ava." Josh walks into the kitchen. "Why are you sitting on the table?" "Because I want to. Afternoon Josh." "Can I sit with you?" "Sure." he comes and sit next to me on the table. "So what did you do today?" "Oh I just went Christmas shopping for essentials, food and presents. Then I went to the doctor, then the bookstore and then nothing." "Are you alight? Is everything alight? Why were you at the doctor?" "I was just there for a check up stop worrying I'm fine." "Good because if something was wrong I would...I would do anything for you." "Nothing is going to happen to me besides I know you wouldn't let anything happen to me."

I turn and look at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kiss him. His arms instantly wrap around my waist and he pulls me to him. After a moment we catch out breaths. Josh slips of the table and pulls me to the edge. He stands in-between my legs and slowly taking my shoes of and then my socks. I took his right hand and come through my hair and we start kissing again. I wrap my legs around his waist and he lifts me up. He walked to my bed and gently put me down on the bed and slowly unbuttons my shirt without breaking the kiss.


It is cold outside. It had been snowing all day but Josh's body against mine is warm. I wake up in Josh's arms. I hear my phone ringing in the kitchen. Who is calling me at two in the morning? I want to ignore it but something in me isn't letting me. I go into the kitchen and answer the phone. "Hello?" "Who is this I want to speak to Ava." "It is her speaking." "Oh, I still miss you and I'm still in lo..." "Ava who is that? Come back to bed baby." Josh says behind me. It is Dale I want to say but the words never leave my mouth. "It is the wrong number." I finally say and end the call. I walk back to bed with Josh. What was Dale thinking would happen by him calling me in a drunken state? He is drunk somewhere. Josh speaking suddenly brings me out of my haze. "Who was it really? I can see whoever it was upset you." "It was Dale. I think he is drunk. He said he misses me." "Do you still miss him?" "No, not anymore."

It started snowing in the night but I dint notice. The heating was one and the room was nice and warm but the heat of Josh's body next to me was gone. Did he regret last night? I don't. Does he think last night was a mistake? I didn't even notice Josh had walked in with breakfast and hot chocolate. "What is wrong?" "Do you regret last night?" "No, I loved every second of it. Why do you regret it?" "No, of course not. It is just I pushed you away for so long and last night I pushed myself on to you." "I would love you if you push me away or push yourself on to me. I would always love you." He said in-between kisses. "I know you must be hungry because you made breakfast and all but how about we have desert before we eat." I teased him with a kiss. "I like that idea very much." Our lips lock in a passionate kiss...


It was around eleven when I decided to get out of bed. I was about to walk into the kitchen when Josh stopped me. "Good morning baby. You can't go in there yet." "Why not?" "Because I have a surprise for you. Stay right there cover your eyes and wait till I come and get you." "Okay." I didn't even wait two minutes before Josh came to fetch me.

He covered my eyes and let me somewhere in the house. "Josh what are you doing? Where are you taking me?" "To the living room." "Okay what is in the living room?" "Always so curios. It is a surprise." We walk a few steps further. "See I went through your basement and saw your tree looking a bit plastic and dead so I went and got you a new one." "What do...?" I was interrupted when Josh whispered in my ear. "Open your eyes." I open my eyes and see a freshly cut pine tree. "Wow." "Do you like it?" Josh ask's as he hugs me from behind. "Yes I love it but it looks a bit bare are you going to help me decorate it?" "I'd love too."

"Okay could you please hand me another ball." "Sure but how many is there I think the tree looks great." "Only a few more here and there stop moaning and complaining." "I am not the one who moaned last night baby." Oh no he did not just go there. I decide to give him the silent treatment. "Baby?" I just keep on decorating the tree. "Baby? Baby are you ignoring me?" Josh suddenly grab me and throw me on the couch and starts ticketing me. I burst out laughing. "JJJJoooooshhhhhh sssttopp it." I stammer over my words. "So now you decide to talk to me. No I will not stop." "Please I'm going to pee myself." I say laughing. He suddenly stops and rests his head against mine. We are looking deep into each other's eyes. He gives me a peg on the lips. "Why don't we finish decorating this tree and then maybe we could do something more fun." "Okay sounds good but I first have to go to the bathroom."

After I was done in the bathroom I come out to see the decorating on the tree is finished. Only the star remains to be put up. "I thought you should do the honours of putting the star on top." Josh says sweetly. "That is so sweet but I'm too short you have to pick me up." "Yeah I didn't think about that. Sorry." "Hey what is wrong?" "It us just the first Christmas I had I a while that I'm happy." I give him a hug. "I'm happy to." He lifts me up and I place the star on top of the tree. He places me down on the ground and wraps his arms around my waist. He buried his face in the nook of my neck and gives me soft kisses. "Thank you for giving us a chance. I love you Ava." He says in my neck and my heart does a one- eighty.

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