Why did you make me CEO?

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When Ethan confronted me about Ava and our date and she was upset I was mad. Who was he to talk to me that way? When he grabbed me by my collar I know he was serious. I thought he secretly loved her or something but when he said she is his cousin and that she cried I was at a loss of words. After he let go off me I told him about Josh but not that I know him. Ethan words shocked me when he said he was her stalker. I went to Ava's as fast as I could and when I saw her she was pail and I demanded her to tell me why she didn't tell me about Josh. I got upset and told me leave so I left. Why I was such a jerk to her I didn't know. I was still confused about what happened earlier but once I saw her at my office I acted on impulse and I ran to her and kissed her.

Ava's POV

It is the morning of the meeting and I am sick. Why off all days do I have to be sick today? I have a fewer and a massive headache. "Are you sure you are well enough for today's meeting?" "Yes, Ethan I am fine." "Okay but if you don't feel right or something is wrong you tell me and we are out of there. I don't want a repeat of what happened at Kenneth's party." "That was more than four years ago." "Still you weren't feeling well that day and you collapsed and I had to rushed you to the hospital you were lucky that it was only low blood pressure." "That day was different. That day I was nauseas and light headed I only have a slight fewer and a headache now can we please go before we are late." "Okay fine. Where is Josh?" Where was Josh? "I'm here." He said coming from the basement. "What where you doing down there?" "Last night the washing machine was making a notice so I washed my shirt by hand and I quickly dried it this morning. Are you ready to leave?" "Yes."


Everyone is in the conference room. Dale, Antony, Moira, Ethan but me. "You ready for this." "Yeah, please don't provoke anyone especially not Dale that is all I ask of you Josh." "I promise I won't." Taking a deep breath I walk in the conference room and all eyes are on me. Dale was the first to speak. "Ava what are you doing here?" "I am the one who organized this meeting." "What are you doing? Security take her away." Moira spat. I see a security guard walking to me. "Let me rephrase that I am Vanessa Marshall and I called for this meeting." Moira's face went white and Dale called of the guards.

"Allow me to introduce myself to those who don't know who I am Adelya Vanessa Anderson or Ava for short. My mother's madden name was Marshall. I own a restaurant and about a year and a half ago I bought 51% of the company shares of Mrs. Cunningham. Ever since then she hired Mr. Mendes to stalk me and scare me out of the shares." "Bullshit you are a lying little bitch that is after our money." Antony yelled. "Hush brother things are about to get juicy." "What do you mean by brother, Ava?" "Well before your mother married your father she was seeing my father and two months later she was married to your father and six months later Antony was born. So when I said brother I mend what I said Antony is my half brother."

"That is messed up." Antony said in a low whisper. I was about to speak but Dale Spoke first. "No, what is fucked up is that mother dearest used our brother in law to stalk Ava and he almost killed her and she told me that Ava was my sister and that I have been kissing and sleeping with my own sister. She wanted to put me in a psych ward and because of that I went got drunk and brought another girl to my house to have sex with while Ava was at the house on our Anniversary."

Antony looked at me and saw the hurt in my eyes. "So you are not together anymore?" I shook my head no. "Do you have any prove that you are my sister and what you said is true?" "Yes, I talked to Dale's father and he confirmed it. Just after I was born he asked my father if he could compare his, mine and your DNA. So On my Birthday he found out that his son was not his son and my dad found out about you. That he had lost out on four year of his live."

"It is true. Everything she said about you is siblings." Dale's dad said behind me. "Why didn't you ever tell me?" "I wanted to but your mother wouldn't let me but to me you would always be my son and don't you ever forget it."

I took another deep breath and let it go slowly. "I know that you are all feeling emotional but I have to finish this meeting. Let me state on record that I will not taking the CEO post for myself I will just be a partner. I will sell one present back to Dale Cunningham so that the new CEO and I have equal shares in the company. Antony Cunningham will be the CEO of the New York department. West Goodwill will be the new manager." And so I went on giving higher post to the people who deserved it. "I want to state that I have looked at the financial stats of the last three years and based on that I made my decisions. Lastly I am going to give Moira Cunningham thirty million dollars for early retirement. That is it meeting is over."

Everyone left the room it was only Josh and I. "You did absolutely grate. Tonight we are going to celebrate." "Please nothing big or wild." "Okay I understand." "We should get home." We walked out of the room and Dale is waiting for me outside. "You go ahead so long Josh I'll be fine." He looked at me 'are you sure' and I shook my head yes and he walked away.

"Ava I was a fool to believe what my mother said. I should have known she was just trying to split us up. I am so sorry." "I know you are but you still broke my heart in a way that I could never imagine. I am not mad that you listened to what your mother said. I am not mad that you went and got drunk and I'm not mad that you brought a girl home but I am heartbroken." I take out the ring, note and necklace and give it to Dale. "I know you still care about me and that is why I ask you to please take this. My heart can't heal when I know still have this." He took it. "I need time to heal so I will ask Ethan to give you the papers for the share transfer." I was waiting for this question. "Why did you make me CEO?" "Because I know you are more than qualified, that you deserve it and I love you and it is my parting gift. Goodbye Dale." I walked to the elevator where Josh is waiting for me.

"Ava can I ask you something?"Antony asked. "Yeah off course." "How did you found out that I am your brother?" "Josh told me then Ethan and my mother conformed it." "I understand that your dad my real father didn't know about me in the beginning but where was he the rest of my life when he found out?" "I can't answer that for him but from what my mother told me he was at every game you played and every competition." "Why didn't he never say anything, was he even at my graduation?" "No, he wasn't." "Why isn't he here today?" Antony said a bit irritated. "Because he can't." "What do you mean he can't? Does he not want anything to do with me? You know when you see him you can tell him that his son says that he can go to hell." He shouted angry. "I can't say that to him." "Can't or won't." He spat."I can't." "Oh yeah and why the fuck not." He sounded disgusted. "Because he died donating his heart for me so that I could live." I couldn't stop the tears escaping. "I'm...I didn't...I just...sorry." He walked away.

Josh and I walked in to the elevator. "Are you alright I heard what happened." I shook my head no. "No, I'm not I just want to go home." I started to cry. Josh pulled me into a hug. "Shh, shh it is okay to cry you don't always have to be brave." He kissed me head. "Forget about the celebration we can go another night."

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