Chapter 26: Not Doing Other Stuff Or Each Other...

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"Hunter and I can babysit. You two also deserve a proper date as well." I suggested to John and June

Hunter's parents insisted I called them by their names and I was much more comfortable with that rule by our second last night at Hunter's home.

"You've let Hunter and I go out almost everyday. And we went out last night." I stated.

Hunter took me to meet his friends who were exactly what I expected them to be like. He also took me on another date last night to a little amusement park that wasn't too far away and his parents were constantly giving suggestions of where Hunter could take me.

"Oh thank you. We would appreciate that so much." June said.

"Just promise you'll be looking after the kids and not doing other stuff or each other..." His dad winked at us.

I felt my cheeks burn, "We won't... I mean we aren't going to... "

The three of them laughed at me and I buried my face in my hands. Jude ran in and I was grateful for his distraction.

"Can we watch a movie!?"

"I'm sure we can." I ruffled his hair.

"Are you sure you'll be okay with Cath?" June asked.

John answered his wife, "Have you not been in this house for the last five days? It's the best sleep I've had in months."

June sighed, "Thank you so much. I know exactly where I want to go. John be ready in 15 minutes."


"But I'm not tired!" Jude was throwing a tantrum.

"Jude! Mom said you go to bed latest 8. And it's already past that so go." Hunter was getting frustrated.

Jude's screaming had woken Cath who I was now holding in my arms. She'd been crying for 5 minutes already and even I couldn't even get her to quiet down.

"You just want me to go so you can kiss Em!" I turned around at Jude's words. It wasn't true. Hunter hadn't kissed me yet.

"Jude... Go to bed. Now." Hunter's words were sharp and I rested a hand on his shoulder still cradling Cath.

"Jude. Your mom told me that if you don't go to bed by 8, I'll never be able to come back here and look after you."

Jude looked shocked, "She said that?"

I nodded, "And I really want to come back here, Jude."

Hunter lifted a hand to mine which was still on his shoulder and rubbed his thumb over it.

Jude pointed to Cath, "I can't sleep if she keeps screaming."

"She's only crying because her brother is upset. I'm sure she'll go back to sleep now that you're not." I looked down at Jude, "Should I try?"

Jude nodded.

"Hey little Cath. There's a joker whose name is Jest in the book you're in and he does all these beautiful tricks. You're going to see a lot of magic in this world." She was still crying, just softly so Hunter took her from me so I could put Jude to sleep.

"Come on Jude. Let's go to bed." I held Jude's hand all the way to his room.

Once he was lying in his bed he yawned and tried speaking at the same time, "I love you, Em."

"I love you too." I gave him a small kiss on his forehead and then started singing to him.

Hey Jude
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her into your heart
Then you can start
To make it better

I heard snoring and slowly backed away from Jude. When I turned, Hunter was standing at the door with a sleeping Cath.

"Seems like it worked for her too." Hunter left the room to put Cath down and came to join me downstairs.

"How on earth did you do that?" Hunter asked sitting down, his legs were spread out and they reached me on the other side of the couch.

I moved to sit between Hunter's legs and lay my head back on his chest, "Children are tiring."

"You didn't even scream at Jude. And you had Cath right in your ear screaming. I don't know how you did that." Hunter was playing with my hair.

I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

"You know, your brother's moving faster than you are. He told me he loves me."

Hunter's chest vibrated when he laughed.

We sat like that for long until Hunter slowly moved lower down the couch, moving me along with him and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I could feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep. Hunter's breathing also seemed to slow down.

I turned my head up to face Hunter and through closed eyes not looking to see if he was looking back at me. I gently held his chin in my hand whispered to him.

"I really like you too, Hunter." And I fell asleep.


I woke up to a bright flash and then fell on the floor. When my eyes stopped showing stars, Hunter's parents were standing in front of us. John was still holding his camera up as if he'd just taken a picture and Hunter was sitting upright on the couch. I slowly sat up and took Hunter's helping hand.

"Sorry, sweetheart." He whispered to me and then turned to his dad, "What the hell, dad?"

Hunter's voice was raspy from sleep and it was extremely attractive.

John chuckled nervously, "Sorry, son. You two just looked so cute I couldn't resist."

"I'm going up stairs." I pointed to the stairs and slowly got up to leave.

"Thank you, Em." His mom called after me, "Apologize, John."

"Sorry! Goodnight!" John's voice followed.

"Not so loud. You'll wake the kids." June lightly hit her husband.

"I'm also going to bed." Hunter followed behind me.

Hunter lay down on his bed and sighed, I was already half asleep but I heard his last words.

"I like you more, sweetheart."

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