Extended Epilogue: Chapter 5

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A Series of Fortunate Events

"Good morning, sweetheart." His lips whispered against my ear and I turned around to face him.

"You're looking devilishly handsome this morning." I smiled as I leaned in to kiss him.

Hunt had to move his head closer to reach my lips seeing that my massive pregnancy bump was in the way.

His lips then moved to my belly, "Good morning, baby." I smiled down and I was filled with from head to toe with warmth, happiness and love. "We'll be seeing you any day now. I can't wait to see your little small and hands and eyes. And I hope that you'll have your mommy's sassy attitude so she can see how difficult - "

"Hey!" I swatted the back of his head and he lifted his head up to grin sheepishly at me.

"You gran organized a small event today. It's a baby shower for your mom and afterwards we're gonna go shop for everything we'll need for your room. I know it's silly that we waited so long but I know we'll be prepared in two months no matter what. Now behave yourself because I can't be dealing with a troublesome child already."

I laughed and pulled Hunt back up so we were face to face.

"I love waking up like this every morning." Hunt's one hand rested on my bump and the other was holding my cheek. "I'm gonna miss this little bump when it's gone."

"You're seriously going to miss this?"

"What? You won't?"

"Well obviously there'll be certain things I'll miss but overall holding our baby in my arms will be better than it resting in here." I rested my hand over Hunter's that was resting on my belly.

"Well you've made a good point. Plus I just remembered one thing I'll be glad to have again once our baby is born..." His smirk told me everything I needed to know and my response was rolling my eyes.

*6 months later*

Hunter and I had immediately fallen asleep after a long, busy day but with a 4 month baby, sleeping a full 5 hours was lucky. So when we'd just hit the 3 hour mark and we heard crying again, I started to turn to get out of the bed.

"You sleep, Em. I'll go see what she needs and put her back to sleep." Hunter was out of bed before I could protest and left me with a quick kiss on my forehead.

I wasn't appreciating the fact that I was given the opportunity to sleep but whenever Hunt sang, I was always enticed. And him singing a lullaby to our daughter was no different.

A few moments after the crying had eventually stopped and Hunt's singing did too, he crept back into bed but he saw I was awake, "Hey momma you're supposed to be sleeping."

"I couldn't help it. You were singing Hunt, you know how much I love it when you sing." I turned around to face him.

"Ok. Close your eyes." He leaned his head on his hand to lift himself slight.

"What? Why?"

"Just do it, sweetheart." His smile had me convinced to do as I was told.

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