Chapter 40: Apparently They Broke Up

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Hunter groaned as he woke up, "Please never let me drink that much ever again, sweetheart... Sweetheart?"

I heard him all right, I just didn't want to answer him.

"Sweetheart? Shit, I need an aspirin."

I heard Hunter walk towards what I assumed was the kitchen while I stared blankly at the wall before me in my room. It was only a matter of time before he'd come find me in here.

"There's my girl." Hunter walked in wrapping his arms around me.

I scoffed.

"And now?" Hunter spun me around so he could look at me.

He leaned in for a kiss but I pulled back, "You still smell like alcohol."

"It's not that bad." Hunter shrugged.

"You got shit faced on our four month anniversary."

He sighed and ran a hand down his face, "It's just that I hadn't had a drink in a while and the guys wanted to go out and have some fun."

"Sure, go out with the guys while I sit at home waiting for you so you could take me on that date you promised." I was using my sarcastic voice with Hunter.

Hunter shut his eyes, "I forgot."

"I know. And since when do you need to drink to have fun?" Hunter knew how much I was against drinking since my drink had been spiked a few months ago and what had happened with my sister.

"That's not what I meant." Hunter was getting frustrated with me, "Why the fuck do you even care about our 'four month anniversary' anyway?

"Don't swear at me. And I care because maybe that's a pretty big milestone for our relationship?"

"Oh so you've become one of those girls now?"

"Care to elaborate?" I crossed my arms.

"The little 'Oh my gosh. We've been together for a few months, let's celebrate for the sake of it'."

"Well you celebrated our one and a half month anniversary?" I retorted.

Hunter scoffed, "That was different. You've just become one of those clingy girlfriends."

"Clingy?" My voice was getting louder, "If you think that's me, you don't know me as well as you thought."

"Well you won't even tell me about your fucking sister so how am I supposed to really know who you are!?"

"Can you stop swearing!" His comment about my sister disgusted me, I pretended to ignore it for now.

I saw him squint in pain from the hangover and my loud voice.

"And that's low Hunter, even for you," Hunter turned around to leave, "Oh and next time you wanna cheat on me, don't do it when my friends are there."

"What?" He quickly faced me again, "What are you talking about?"

"Yeah. Cass, remember her? She told me she saw you with some other girl."

"She's lying. I would never - " Hunter looked offended.

"Can you even remember? The way you came stumbling in here last night... I don't think you'd be able to." I didn't get an answer which made me worried, "Hunter?" I managed to choke out.

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