Extended Epilogue: Chapter 6

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An Ordinary Day

My little girl gurgled as I cooed down at her, making small patterns on her face with my fingers.

"Mommy, can you carry me too!" Alison came running up to me with her arms raised.

"Me too mama!" James stood next to me with his arms up.

"Ali go to daddy and he'll carry you on his back. Up you get James." I bent down to pick up my four year old son.

"Hello Tee!" He tapped his little sister's nose and she immediately started crying.

"Oh no. I'm sorry Teagan." I smiled down at James who apologized before I had even asked him to.

"That's my big boy." Hunt came from behind me and kissed each of his kids on the head before kissing me. "Hello sweetheart."

Unfortunately, Teagan's reaction to our display of affection was to cry.

"Mama, down please. I want to go play with my cars!" Once James was out of my hands and Alison was off Hunter's back, I held our five month old baby tightly against me to try and calm her cries.

Hunter took her from me and started to sing.

I couldn't help the tears that quietly and softly rolled down my cheeks. When Hunt was done singing and had put Teagan back in her crib behind him he turned back to me.

He was shocked and came to hold my face in his hands while he brushed my tears away with his thumbs, "What's wrong, Em?"

"Nothing, Hunt. I'm just really really happy. I never thought I would ever get to a place like this but it was you who helped me so much. And now we have three beautiful children who I could not be more thankful for."

"Oh Em. I love you very much."

"I love you too." I rested my head against Hunter's chest as he held me and comforted me with a song.

A Christmas Morning

"Mama! Papa wake up!"

"It's Christmas!"

I saw Alison and James run hand in hand into our room only to jump on the bed, thankfully landing mostly on Hunter.

He grunted and then turned around to grab our kids, "Who wants to open some presents!"

He grabbed them both by the waist and ran with them down the stairs to where our Christmas tree was set up.

I got up slowly and fetched Teagan, "At least you're still behaving, hey my girl?" I received a hearty gum smile and a yawn in return. "Yeah, you're definitely the easiest to entertain."

When I reached downstairs and placed Tee in her chair, my legs were hugged from both sides.

"Mama look at my car!"

"And look at my coloring pencils mom!"

Alison and James were waving around their presents for me to see. I whispered a "Merry Christmas" to each of them while kissing them.

"Now, Mrs Maddox. For you I have a very special present!" Hunter turned around with a slight twirl and presented me with a small, black envelope.

"Ooh what could this be Mr Maddox?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow and a smirk.

When I opened the envelope to find two tickets to watch Phantom of the Opera on the West End I was very confused.

"Keep opening, sweetheart." My heart beat spend up as I lifted the last two papers out. Aeroplane tickets to London.

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