Chapter 57: But How?

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"Hey Jams." I knelt on the neatly kept grass next to her tombstone, ignoring the recently dug up earth in front of it. "You would think I would have a lot to say, maybe an apology even thought you would then tell me that it's not my fault. I'm sure I must have done something wrong for us to end up like this." I stared at the carved stone declaring the last place she would ever be. "I could tell you something a bit happier though. Like the fact that we have a little baby sister. A half sister, but a sister none the less. She's absolutely gorgeous and Hunter's really good with her." I could feel the tears and instead of wiping them away, I let them fall, "I'm glad you met him. I'm glad that you saw how he fought for me and for you because he knew that I loved you. I sometimes forget that it was his own dad that he had to fight against. I don't understand how he could have chosen me over his real dad. He's so special to me, Jams. I've only been with him for about eight months and those months have been absolutely amazing. Remember how mom always told us to find a boy who can make you laugh when you're angry? Well Hunter..." I smiled to myself, "he does exactly that. I just wish I was brave enough to tell him how much I love him. I could easily just say it but I'm so scared of more pain. I hate that he can do this to me and my emotions but at the same time I love it. Gosh, he makes me so happy, Jams. I finally understand what you meant when you said you can't explain how it feels to be in love. I wish you were here to tell me to forget all my previous pain and to take a leap of faith and love Hunter whole heartedly. I know I should. I just... I don't even know anymore." I sat in silence for a long time. "I guess I should thank you. For the airplane ticket. I'm leaving for New York in two days. I'm going to study at Juilliard. Well, I have some kind of an internship and I should hopefully be studying there full time by the end of the year. It's hard to leave but I know it'll be good for me and I do really just want to escape this place for a while. Not the best idea to run away but then again I haven't been well known for good ideas. And it's the beginning of my own little therapy. I'll look after myself a bit but I'll come visit you." I took a deep breathe and one last look at her name etched into stone, "Forever and always, Jams. Forever and always."

Turning around to leave was hard but I couldn't spend forever next to someone who already left me.

Turning around also meant seeing Hunter standing next to his car smiling a sad smile and his hands free of any chains.

I practically ran to him and squashed him against the car, nearly hugging him to death.

He dug for something in his back pocket with one hand while I kept holding him. When his hand was removed, I lifted my head and saw him holding a small teddy out for me. I also noticed the red under his eyes and a few stray tears.

"You're out?" I kept my body flush against his but used my hands to wipe away the tears and he did the same for me.

"I'm a free man, baby." He kissed my head and smiled.

"But how?"

Hunter moved both hands to my shoulders and slightly pushed me back, "I'm going to need to inhale some oxygen before I can speak. And please can you get into my car? It's freezing out here."

I smiled despite the sadness and realized that what I said to Jaimie was not completely true. Not only did Hunter make me smile when I was mad, he made me laugh when I was crying.

Hunter turned in his seat to face me once were both in his car, "My dad told them I was involved. An accomplice. But my mom sent records in of the days he had said I'd allegedly helped him. She had answers for everything. I don't know how she knew everything I was doing but she told me she'd been keeping a diary to give to me one day. So she used that to prove my innocence and of course some of the photos she had with time stamps on them. There was also your statement, which I can't tell you how grateful I was for. You told the story again of that day and how I'd fight to protect you and your sister. The police confronted my dad and he couldn't make up a good enough lie so he confessed that he was the only person involved. I was released, nothing going onto record and he's sentenced to life, Em. He's getting what's he deserves."

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