Fade Away

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“I think were safe now.” Faline yelled from behind me. “No. keep running!” I ordered the others as we ran deeper and deeper into the forest. We had been running for hours now, and my body was exhausted. “How much further Taro?” Firedrake who was running beside me asked. “Until we can’t run anymore!” I stated as we ran.

We ran until the sun began to set behind a mountain. “Ok. Here will do.” I stated as we came to a stop beside a river that ran through a small clearing. Each of us plunged our heads deep into the cool spring feed waters, trying to gulp down as much as we could carry. I glanced toward the sun which was barely visible behind the mountain. “We need to find some firewood and food.” I stated to everyone.

“Firedrake. See if you can get some firewood. Hunter and I will make a quick hunting round.” I stated to him. Firedrake nodded to me and ran into the woods. “If anybody besides us comes, kill them.” I ordered Faline and Cira. They nodded to us and we began our hunting.

After around 30 minutes of hunting, we managed to get a respectable amount of monkeys and made our way back to camp. I was surprised at the giant log that Firedrake had drug up. He, with the help of Faline and Cira were breaking it into pieces and already had a place for the fire setup.

I placed a few logs into a circle and was about to light it when Hunter spoke up. “Ill do it.” he stated as he walked to my side and crouched by the logs. “You sure? I mean, I can do it.” I asked. “Naa. I got it.” Hunter stated before breathing a jet of flame into the logs, catching them on fire at once.

“Now to the monkeys.” I stated before walking over to the small pile of carcasses. Hunter cleaned them, and I hauled the pelts and guts off into the woods. When I returned, Hunter had already placed the meat on spits to roast. Firedrake and Cira made quiet conversation as the meat cooked.

I really didn’t want to talk about anything. The memory of the V-22 being blown out of the sky replayed in my head. No mater how hard I tried to rid myself of the memory, it always managed to creep back up on me. “They look about done.” Hunter stated, pulling me out of the horrifying memory.

He then began to pass the monkeys around. The taste was unusual. The meat was stringy and tough, but it was better than nothing. After we ate our fill, I began to think about our weapons vests. ‘We need to get rid of them..’ I told myself. “Here. Give me the bones, I’ll haul them off.” Hunter said as he stood. We gave him our leftovers, which he carried using a large leaf we had found.

“We need to get rid of these vests.” I stated to the others. “Why? We might need them.” Cira asked with a confused expression on her face. “Were no longer under the militaries control, so we don’t need there equipment. “ Firedrake said as hunter returned from the river. “Right.” I replied to Firedrake before standing. With the help of Hunter, we got our vests off and pushed them into the river.

After doing so, a sudden tired feeling ran over me. I yawned, and so did Faline. “We should call it a night.” I said to everyone. They agreed and we all curled up by the fire. Hunter surprised me by laying down on the fire. ‘Crazy bastard.’ I thought to myself before laying my head in my paws and curling my tail around my body so that the tip touched my nose.

Faline was laying with her back against mine, and within moments she fell asleep. I couldn’t go to sleep, even though my body was exhausted. So I lay for hours with my eyes closed, trying to drift off, but could never find a hold on sleep.

After a few more minutes of attempts, sleep finally neared me, and just as I began to doze off, a snap of a twig jerked me awake. I quickly raised my head and began to look around. “Who’s there?” I asked before standing. 7 humans then emerged from the edge of the clearing, all had weapons trained on me. They seemed to be Navy Seals.

I was unable to move as they approached me and quickly attached a silver collar around my neck. A sudden feel on my shoulder caused me to close my eyes. When I opened them, I was on my side and Hunter was shaking me slightly. I raised up and proceeded to ask what was wrong, but was halted by Hunter who had a clawed finger over his mouth. ‘I was dreaming.’ I silently thought to myself.

He then nodded toward the river. I nodded back, stood, and followed him to the river. Why did you wake me up?” I asked as we reached the river bank. “I’ve been summoned that wants me at the Hong Wei Temple in China.” He explained. “And this has to do with me………..how?” I asked in a confused tone.

“I want to give you this.” he said before handing me a small backpack. “I’ve memorized the scent, so I can find you if I need to. Also, there’s something in the bottom of it for you.” he stated with a weak smile. “Thanks man……..so, your going tonight?” I asked, already knowing the answer. He nodded yes in reply.

“Well, take care of yourself man, and don’t go getting yourself killed.” I stated. “I’m gonna miss you Taro.” he replied before putting me in a soft headlock. I replied by putting my front right leg over his shoulder, which felt awkward. We stayed like that for almost a whole minute before he released me.

“Try and keep everyone safe for me, ok mate?” he asked me. “I’ll try.” I replied as he gave me a weak grin. He then turned and jumped into the river. He quickly appeared on the other side and turned to me, raising his hand in a farewell, then disappeared into the brush. “Farewell old friend.” I stated before walking back to the fire.

When I reached it, I lay down and released the strap of the pack from my mouth. I quickly began to dig through the pack, searching for what he wanted me to have. After awhile of searching, I came across a small wooden sculpture of……me. It was me sleeping. I was curled into a ball with my tail pulled close o my face. It was almost a perfect replica.

‘That was nice of him.’ I thought to myself before placing it back into the bag. The sudden flood of memories about him then began to cram my mind. When he jumped from the roof of the 15 story building into the helo. Me pulling him out of the wreckage. Him telling me to visit him in the hospital when we were through with our mission, then ditching. I silently laughed at the memory of him kicking me through a wall when we first met.

‘That crazy bastard better not get himself killed.’ I thought to myself before curling around Falines back, Hunters pack tucked tightly in my grip. Within seconds, sleep took a hold of me.

The next morning, I was worried about Hunter. Was he doing ok. “Where’s Hunter?” Cira asked as she woke. “Gone.” I replied. Firedrake and Faline woke a few minuets later, and asked the same question.

“Why?” Faline asked. “Personal reasons.” I replied, meeting Firedrakes gaze. He nodded to me and I stood. I didn’t want to say what was on my mind, but it was our best shot at survival. “We need to split up.” I stated during a lull in our conversation. “What!?” Cira asked in a confused tone. “Faline with me, and you with Firedrake. If we split up they have a less chance o finding us.” I stated, this sent Firedrake into a rage.

“NO. We fought beside each other. Watched our teammates die and now you expect us to split up, Your out of your Damn mind!” he roared as he neared me. We were just inches away from each other and I could tell that he was ready to tear me apart for even mentioning that. “Its our best shot at survival.” I roared back to him. He closed his eyes and after a few silent moments, whispered “Your right.”

He walked to Cira who had tears in her eyes. “You two take care of yourselves. And don’t let those bastards catch you.” Firedrake stated with a smile on his face. I nodded to him and Faline bumped my side. “Good luck.” I stated to Firedrake before securing Hunters pack around my shoulder and leaping into the air followed by Faline.

The wind in my wings felt amazing. I looked over to Faline who was flying beside me. She was crying. I gave her a slight bump with my wing which caused her to look at me. “They’ll be ok Faline.” I sated. She smiled and playfully bumped me before going into a dive. I laughed at her and followed closely behind her as we flew further away from our dear friends. ‘I’ll see you two again.’ I quietly said to myself, promising to see my dear friends once again in the future.

From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wings: Revelations (Book 3)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora