Unholy Messenger

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FALINES POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stood outside the recovery room, starring into it at Taro, whom was out cold. He had multiple medical machines attached to him, the most noticeable was one for breathing. It had a black tube attached to it. The black tube ran to Taro’s muzzle before disappearing into his throat. How he managed to stay sleeping with it marveled me.

It was only us now. We were the last remaining members of Talon. Blitz and Tyson were killed on our first deployment to Iraq, Cira died while birthing Nina, and Firedrake was killed in the blast. Nina doesn’t know about her father yet. Her and Shadow have tried multiple times to see Taro, but I wouldn’t allow them to see him like this. They were still young, and probably wouldn’t take his condition very well, Hel, it was all I could do not to cry. I guess when you’ve been surrounded by death your whole, it comes naturally.

He was mangled, but in one piece. He had a large gash starting from his neck and ending at the base of his tail. His wings were gone, but the doctors managed to remove them completely, so he no longer had the stubs. Instead, his back was smooth, like Firedrakes was. I sighed at the memories of him. How he and Taro were always there for me whenever things were bad.

“How is he?” a voice to my right asked. I turned my attention to the familiar tone, only to see Hunter. He came to a stop beside me and looked into the room. His arms folded in deep thought. I was speechless. “Hunter…..wow. Its been a while.” I said with a smile. He smiled in reply. “Right now he’s stable, but they said his condition was unpredictable.” I said before turning my gaze back to him.

There was a long period of silence. “Why did you leave?” I asked in a hush tone. I could see out the side of my eye as he looked at me. “Personnel reasons.” he replied. So, how have the others been?” he asked. “Dead.” I replied with a sigh. I could tell the news hit him hard. I sighed again before opening my mouth to reply. As I did so, Taro moved.

His eyes slowly began to open. They opened completely and he quickly drew his paws to the tube. He began to gag as he pulled the tube from his neck. Suddenly there was a loud beeping noise, coming from the heart monitors as he pulled there cords off him. Within seconds, doctors rushed into his room, but once they noticed he was ok, they left leaving the door open. I made my way to the door and peaked inside. “I see you.” he said with a weak laugh. I smiled in reply and entered the room, happily going to his side.

“How do you feel?” I asked before sitting beside his bed. “Morphine’s doing nothing to dull my pain, but I’m fine.” he stated as he drew a paw to his shoulder. I smiled and playfully placed a paw on his muzzle. “When would you like the ass whipping, now, or tomorrow?” Hunter asked from the door. “Hunter you sneaky bastared.” Taro stated happily. “I thought I told you not to let them catch you?” Hunter stated as he entered and sat in a chair. Taro laughed, and gave me a quick lick across the snot. I replied by licking him back.

“Oh hoho! What have we got going on here?!” Hunter asked with a smile. “You’ll find out soon enough.” I replied, sticking my tongue out at him. Suddenly a nurse poked her head inside the door. “Faline, we need you for a sec.” she said before disappearing. I sighed and stood up “Ill be back.” I stated before walking outside the room, only to see Shadow pinned against a wall by a dragon about 70 yards down. Nina stood behind the dragon, looking to me for help.

“Hey! Let him go!” I yelled before running to them. “My dad is in room 31! Why cant I we see them!” Shadow commanded. “No ones allowed back here unless I’m told otherwise.” The dragon replied calmly. “Its fine. I told them they could come down.” I said, catching the dragons attention. He let Shadow go, and apologized. “Yeah you better be!” Shadow stated angrily to him. The dragon jumped at him, causing Shadow to leap back. The dragon then smiled and walked away.

From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wings: Revelations (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now