Warriors Never Die

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A sudden flashback of when we first met Hunter came into my mind and began to play like a movie.


The revving of the pickup truck brought me from unconsciousness, and I lifted my head to the wreckage that lay before me. The Pick up truck that Sam, Tyson, and I had been riding to the EVAC zone in was pinned against a bridge strut by another pickup with 3 large prongs attached to the front. Tyson pinned between them, unmoving, lifeless. Everything then began to fade away as I was brought back to reality.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLASHBACK END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The green and purple dragon that I once called a friend began to walk around the wreckage of the train, examining it closely. A man who had been working one of the MG’s then ran to his side. “I’m so sorry boss, the snipers should have seen the threat.” he stated. The dragon then turned and shot the man, point blank. “You cant see something that doesn’t exist.” the dragon stated before turning his attention to the tollbooth. He then breathed in heavily, scanning the air for our scent before stating, “Taro, Hunter! I know you 2 are out there. Show yourselves!” I then stepped out from the side of the structure, Hunter quickly following my lead. “Y………..You died? The truck………..it killed you!” I stated in utter disbelief. Tyson then began to laugh at this, walking closer to us. “No, but I almost was killed. Just meters to the right and I would be no more.” he stated, coming to a stop about 5 yards in front of us.

I was speechless, what had become of him. “So, how has your life been Taro? How is the rest of Talon?” he asked with a smile. “Oh that’s right, you’re the last. I almost forgot about leading the ambush on Faline, and setting off the NUKE on Firedrake.” my eyes widened in disbelief. “You……….no…….YOU BASTARD!” I screamed, taking a step forward. As I did so, every human there lifted there weapons to me. “You don’t want to do that. Holland may be dead, but Dragon Killing rounds are still being produced.” he said with a smirk grin. “So….it was you! You’re the one who attacked the worlds national landmarks! Killing millions!” Hunter commanded. “OH, I have done so much more than that.” Tyson began. “You see, after the truck pinned me against the bridge strut, I blacked out. When I woke, you were all gone and I was surrounded by Taliban. They released me from the vehicles, and took me in. helping me recover from my extreme wounds.” he stated, beginning to walk circles around us. “In return, I supplied them with information that Holland refused to tell them. A few months later, we were told of Osama’s death, then of Holland’s. Upon hearing this, Al Queda began a downfall. There motivation was gone, but they wanted payback for there leaders being taken. Deciding it was my time, I took the place as there leader, and immediately began planning attacks on our so called homeland.” he said coming to a stop in front of us.

“HOW COULD YOU!”I commanded him. “How could you abandon me like that, to leave me for dead!” he replied. “We thought you were dead. Firedrake took your tags and we gave you a burial when we finished that mission.” I stated, my voice losing its harsh tone. “Firedrake Firedrake Firedrake. Tsk tsk tsk. For such a big dragon, he sure was easy to kill.” Tyson stated with a smile. I could no longer take it. I snarled and leapt at him. The moment I touched him, a large explosion came from the building behind the train wreckage, sending everyone including Tyson and I onto our backs. A F/A-18 then flew overhead, followed by a Pave low which began to fire upon the humans whilst letting the rest of our squad out of the back. I landed hard on my back, my breath leaving me almost at once. I felt small traces of pain running through my body like my blood, but it soon left as my breathing returned to me. Slowly, I rolled onto my stomach and looked to Hunter, whom was firing a SCAR-L at a few of the humans. “Taro! He’s getting away!” Hunter yelled over the gunfire. I quickly rose to my feet an turned to see Tyson running away from the compound and to the wilderness. “Go. We’ll take it from here!” Shadow ordered Hunter and I. that was all we needed to hear and we at once began to chase Tyson down.

From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wings: Revelations (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now