Out Dated Truth

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Excitement came with the sun, and I was the first to rise. Outside the cave, was the sun. shining brightly among the sky. Its rays pierced into our den, lighting the inside like a well let fire. I looked upon Shadow, who was sleeping with his back against his mothers snout. He seemed to be happy. I moved my attention to Faline and gently began to lick her head.

She smiled and her eyes came open. “Morning my love.” she stated before rubbing her head against mine. “Morning.” I replied, licking Shadow to rouse him. He stretched and yawned. I smiled at this, proud to be a father. He then rolled to his stomach, and slowly stood. I licked him again, and he turned his gaze to me.

Good morning Shadow.” I whispered. He seemed to smile. He then began to make sounds, mostly just squeaks and whimpers. He was whining loudly as he locked his tiny maw around my paw. “He’s hungry.” I stated with a laugh. Faline stood and walked to the deer I had brought the night before and tore a small piece of meat from it. She then brought it to Shadow, who immediately began eating.

After a moment of watching him eat, I looked to what was left of the deer. I had 2 mouths to feed now, ad this one deer wasn’t going to do it. As I stood I caught Falines attention. “Where you going?” she asked. “Hunting. Its not me and you anymore.” I replied with a smile. Suddenly, Shadows attention went from the meat, to the entrance of the cave. Something had caught his attention.

I looked to Shadow, noting where he was looking toward, then to the entrance where a small piece of rock fell from the Cliffside. “Taro, what’s that?” Faline Whispered. There was a barely audible mumble, then a small tube looking object rolled into the cave entrance. “FLASHBANG!” I yelled as I jumped over Shadow, protecting him from the blinding light to come.

Everything suddenly went white and my hearing was cut as the flash bang went off. As it began to clear, I looked toward the cave entrance, where 10 men were standing, all there weapons were trained on me. They slowly began to make there way toward us, and there was nothing we could do to stop them. “Are you Taro?” the lead man asked. I nodded in reply and they lowered there weapons.

“We have orders to bring you, and Faline in.” he said as a large, 4 prop V-22 appeared from the Cliffside. It turned so that its hatch, which was open was facing the cave entrance. “What for?” I replied. “You’ll find out soon enough.” he replied before motioning for us to follow him to the V-22. “Why should I trust you?” I asked. “Either we can do this the easy way, or the hard way.” he replied, his voice was gaining an agitated edge to it.

“I like it rough.” I stated before standing. Shadow, who was underneath me, then ran to Falines side. “Ok.” the man replied. A man who was inside the V-22 then trained a weapon onto me and fired. The round hit me in the neck, ut didn’t enter. I laughed at the attempt. “You should have learned by now that we can take far greater than this.” I stated before running my paw over my neck, pulling the round free. I brought it to my face, but wasn’t surprised at what I saw. In my paw laid a tranquilizer dart. Its vial was empty, ensuring me that I had been hit with the sedative. I laughed as everything began to spin. “Well shit.” I said weakly before I collapsed, everything went black.

I awoke hours later, in a small interrogation room, like you would see in a police station. There was a chair beside a door on the fall furthest away from me. Above the door was a small TV, what it was for I didn’t care. The entire room was lit by only one small, damp light. The light it gave off gave the room a light blue tint. The door then opened and a man in a black suit entered. H grabbed the chair beside the door and set it down a few feet away from me.

My instincts kicked in and I leapt at him, but was jerked backwards due to a chain around my neck. I landed hard on my back and the man gave a small laugh. I rolled to my feet and locked my angry gaze with his. I wanted to rip every bone out of his body. “Where are the questions?” he asked. “There always the same ones.” I began. “Who are you, what do you want, Why.” I said with a smile, trying to hide my anger. He smiled and opened a folder.

From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wings: Revelations (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now