M.U.S.E Chapter 5

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Nearly four years later and I was living the freedom I was promised. It had taken a few weeks to sort my brain out but I was free.

I had my own life and I loved it. I was given some money, a new identity which I was allowed to choose and sent on my way. I moved about a bit for the first few years and then settled down into a nice easy job in sheltered housing with people suffering with Dementia. Accommodation was included and it suited me down to the ground.

Today I had my exercise class and a few bits of shopping to get. I was finished bang on time or so I thought but as I hurried to my next destination I got stuck crossing every street because of a little bit of rain making all the drivers slow down and before I knew it I was late. I started to run and just about made it there, ten minutes late.

"Cara," I heard as someone grabbed my arm spinning me around. "It is Cara isn't it?" the man asked.

"No, sorry you must have the wrong person," I said removing my arm.

I carried on walking my heart racing.

"Excuse me," the man said jumping in front of me, making me stop in my tracks. "If you see Cara tell her Cole said hello and she looks wonderful. Freedom suits her," he said.

I didn't make eye contact and dodged around him. Tears welling in my eyes as I hurried ahead. Freedom suited me, I looked wonderful... the words running around in my head.

As I disappeared around the corner and hurried into the building.

"You are late... again," the teacher said reprimanding me.

"Sorry I got stuck in traffic," I said.

"You are also late with the payments.... again," she sniped.

"I know....," I said.

"If you cannot keep up with the payments we cannot continue to teach your daughter, we will have to release her place to another family on the waiting list," the teacher said.

"I will find the money," I said with a sigh as I took my daughter by the hand and left. Storming out of the school in a temper and totally forgetting what had just happened until I saw him standing there again. I picked my daughter up and cuddled her close, her hood up to block the cold as I walked out of the school.

"Wait.... Wait... Mrs Cole," the teacher yelled after me and my heart dropped. I looked ahead and knew from his face he had heard it. He looked from me to the back of the child I was protecting and back to me. "MRS COLE!" the teacher yelled. I stopped, "You need to take this letter home to your husband and he must sign the paper work for her to remain in the school. Unless of course he is no longer around," she sniped. I knew she didn't believe I was married and well she was right but that was besides the point. "If the fees aren't up to date by the end of the month...."

"What fees?" I heard him ask. Oh no! My eyes closed and I prayed for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

"And you are?" the teacher asked as she gave him the once over. "Oh sorry, you must be Mr Cole," she said stunned that he actually existed. "Your daughter Aimee is the image of you."

"Fees?" Cole said pulling her back on track.

"Oh the school fees, they are overdue again. I was just giving this letter to your wife," Cole took the letter and opened it speed reading it. "Unfortunately if the paper work is not signed by you and the fees are not up to date by the end of the month your daughters place will be released to others on the waiting list," the teacher replied. "As you can appreciate it is a well respected and professional school with an excellent reputation for..."

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