M.U.S.E Chapter 28

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Once back at the Caravan I took Finn out of the pram and helped him over to sit watching TV. The TV money had gone in the meter so it wasn't on. He looked up at the box on the wall for me to put money in. Money we couldn't afford.

"May I?" John asked and indicated he would put some in.

"No you may not," I said and put some money in myself which I was going to regret spending later as every penny counted.

"What is wrong with Finn?" John asked.

"Mind your own business," I said. "Say what you have to say and leave."

"He is my business. He is my son," he said with a flash of anger.

"He is nothing to do with you and if you so much as touch a hair on his head I will..."

"I am not going to hurt you or him," John said exasperated. "He is my son. I took him from that compound, not you. I'm the one he trusted."

"I heard your discussion with your father. What was it again? I was a foul mouth mannequin, Aimee was a mistake and Charlie the result of a turkey baster which you then followed with a conversation about how you should get rid of me and the blonde kid who attracted to much attention. I wasn't willing to sit around with him waiting for your dad to put a bullet in our heads as a favour to you," I whispered harshly so Finn didn't hear.

There was silence.

I put the kettle on for something to do as I felt trapped. I opened the nearly bare cupboards and made Finn a Jam sandwich.

"Is that his dinner?" John asked.

"Will you just leave," I said feeling like shit as it was Finn's dinner but we had no money.

"Can I buy some shopping or..."

"NO! You can just leave John," I said and burst into tears. "Please just let us get on with our lives and leave us be. Stop looking for us."

"I can't stop. Aimee misses you..." he said.

"DON'T!" I growled.

"You missed Charlie's first birthday," he reminded me but of course I knew that as I had spent the entire day in tears. "Do you want to see a picture of them?" he asked.

"NO!" I said panicking as I knew that would break my heart.

"Aimee wrote you a letter and I promised to give it to you," he said handing me a piece of paper I couldn't resist taking.

She wrote.


I am good now.

Can you come home.

I miss you.

I love you mummy


She covered the letter is as many 'x's as she could for kisses.

"Here," John said passing me a tissue for my tears. "Here is the picture," he said and held it out. I didn't even recognise them. Both so much like their father and they had grown so big.

"I need a minute," I told him and he nodded and went to sit with Finn.

"Hello Finn," he said. Finn didn't acknowledge him.

"You have to speak up, he is a bit deaf," I said.

"Since when?" John asked looking concerned at Finn.

"He is recovering from meningitis," I replied. I watched as John's face realised the severity of the situation. "He can't walk properly either but he should recover more strength in time."

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