M.U.S.E Chapter 35

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"Ok, lets try again," I heard a voice say.

An electric shock made my body jolt from my right foot up towards my shoulder. I tried to sit up but couldn't.

"Fuck that had to have hurt," Gordon's voice said over and intercom.

"She is going to kill me if she gets out of these restraints," the voice said.

Gordon laughed "Best make sure she doesn't then."

I smiled at the sound of his voice. His laugh had always made me smile.

"Hello Cara," he said into my mind.

Was he on that machine again that talked to me?

"Yes I am. I had to take you back here to make sure your treatment was successful and not near anyone you cared about in case things went wrong, like you perceived people to be a threat and tried to eliminate them. I have to say getting John to let me take you was the hardest part. I thought Aimee had him wrapped around her little finger but you... well you have him tied up in all sorts of knots."

I smiled. Wondering where John was as I missed his smell. My mind trying to remember his scent from when we cuddled up.

"We are just testing a few last things and you will be all fixed up," Gordon said. "We will fetch John for you as soon as you are ready for visitors."

Thank you, I thought and wondered if Gordon was still angry with me as last time we met John took us to his parents.

"No, I am not angry with you and your old room is ready when you are. Mina has been visiting you and is going to make you a lovely dinner when you are finished so lets get these tests done," he said to my mind.

"Yes Obi wan," I replied.

I heard him laugh.

I felt myself switch off and relax as they carried out more tests.

"We will wake you when we are finished," Gordon said and I fell asleep.


"Cara," Mina called. "Open," she said in her thick French accent. I felt something at my lips. "Sip it," she said and I took the drink. I was so thirsty... my head was pounding.

I opened my eyes and saw her, the woman who had been so kind to me and my children. It felt like a life time ago.

"No moving. You are weak. Don't touch your head," she said and climbed on the bed to cuddle me.

I felt so sad, I didn't know why. I just wanted John... I wanted John... all I could think of was John. I was confused, in pain and helpless. I rested my eyes again. They were so sore. Where is John? I need to see John....

Gordon came into the room.

"She is awake," Mina whispered. "And in pain I think."

"Can you fetch the doctor?" he whispered.

He didn't say another word just climbed in with me and I snuggled in as tight as I could. The pain in my head so intense I couldn't open my eyes to see him.

"It's ok Cara I have you. You're safe. You have been having lots of cuddles. You are surrounded by people who love you and want the best for you. Try to relax," he whispered.

I heard the door open.

"How is she?" I heard the voice of the doctor ask.

"In pain," Gordon whispered back.

M.U.S.E. (BOOK 1) (COMPLETE)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant