M.U.S.E Chapter 36

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The sound of feet approaching, confident in their walk...

"Ahhh you must be John," the man said. "It's a pleasure to meet..."

BANG! The sound of a gun, followed but the sound of blood splatter and a body falling to the ground.

"Fuck, John what are you doing how are we going to help her now?" his father yelled.

"Get him away from her," John growled.

"He can't hurt her. He is dead, you just shot his fucking brains all over the room," his father said. "What is going on?"

"I'll do it," Andre said and the sound of a body being dragged.

"Did you let him touch her?" John asked.

"No of course not," his father replied.

"Did you let him near her?" John asked furious.

"No!" his father replied. "He wanted to but I said no."

"Why?" John asked. "Why didn't you let him treat her that is what you brought him here for?"

"Because Martyn went white as a ghost the minute guy appeared and shot out the back entrance before the guy saw him. I haven't seen him since. He comes into the room and his voice made Cara upset," his father replied.

"How can you tell?" John asked.

"Gordon is through there," his father replied. "We had an ear piece on. She was listening and although her emotive responses are not functioning the programme was telling Gordon that she was terrified and screaming."

"GORDON!" John called. "Get in here!"

"Put down the gun John," his father said.

"No!" John said.

"Give me the gun NOW! I don't want it around her," his father said with authority. "Give me the gun and say hello to your wife. She has been waiting on you."

"I can hardly recognise her," John said as I heard his father taking the gun.

"He seemed to be interested in your link to her. How you interacted with her? Her relationship with the children and others. I think that is the key and so does Gordon. Did you get what he wanted?" his father asked.

"Yes," John replied.

"Can I have it?" Gordon asked as he entered the room. "And you can clean all this brain matter up John! Making a fucking mess."

His father laughed. "Only you can be more concerned about the house being tidy than the fact that some guy just got shot to fuck by your nephew."

"I was just about to do it myself," Gordon replied. "Look, here on the screen, Cara heard his voice and look at the programme."

There was silence as they all looked.

"Jesus," his father said. "What had he done to her in the past?"

"I think we may have an idea on here," Gordon said. "For Cara's sake I want to look at it alone."

"No!" John replied.

"John just let me look and then I can brief you on it. I don't want to be trawling through everything with you there when you should be concentrating on her."

"I will help," his father said. "First you need to get those injuries looked at so be a good boy and strip for me."

"I'm ok," John replied.

"Get undressed," his father said annoyed. "If Charlie had your injuries how would you feel? That is how I am feeling now so switch off 'assassin' and switch on 'son'."

"Let me speak with Cara first," John insisted.

"Get undressed and I will treat you as you talk to her," his father replied.

John cursed under his breath as I heard him getting undress.

"She is worried about you," Gordon replied. "Why are you angry?" he asked on my behalf.

"It's nothing for her to worry about," John replied.

"She said don't lie," Gordon replied.

"Cara?" John called. "Cara honey wake up please."

I could hear his voice but couldn't open my eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me she was like this?" he asked.

"Because you needed to concentrate," Gordon replied.

"She is my wife Gordon, if she is ill, dying or dead, I need to know," John said. "I've let her down again."

"Don't be daft!" Gordon replied. "She has been waiting on you. All the time its been 'John, John, John' so just stand still and get your injuries sorted before you bleed to death and be honest with her."

Bleed to death. What the hell?

"Don't worry he will be fine," Gordon whispered.

"I am ok," John replied and then sucked air through his teeth in pain.

"Stay still," his father replied. "What the hell happened here?"

"I got hit," John replied.

"No shit Sherlock. Don't let your mother see this," he said and sighed.

"Whoa, wait something is happening," Gordon said interrupting.

"Is she waking?" John asked.

"No, she's angry," Gordon replied. "She is going to kill whoever hurt you."

"And?" his father asked.

"And certain parts are switching back on to avenge you. She is powering back up like the fucking terminator!" Gordon said and howled laughing.

"He was huge! Like a machine so Terminator describes him well too," John said.

Gordon laughed, "She thinks he's a pussy and.... Oh fuck she is going to kill this guy," he said half shock, half excitement. "Look at the programmes. She has all the scenarios of how to eliminate the target based on size. He's a goner."

"Good," John replied.

"No one shots my husband and get away with it, she is thinking," Gordon replied for me.

"That's right baby," John replied and I felt him kiss my head.

"She is asking if he had dark curly hair, 6ft 7inches..."

"Yeah," John replied.

"She knows him. She is accessing something.... Shit look!" Gordon said.

"What the fuck?" his father replied.

"Yeah that's him sweetheart," John replied.

"How is she projecting that picture to the screen?" his father asked.

"The same way you upload to any computer," Gordon replied.

"How do you know him?" his father asked.

It was silent for a while as I thought of how I knew him and the screen showed it. He used to beat us when we didn't conform to programmes. He has his choice of who to fuck, who to beat up... he chose me to beat on as I was the better fighter and gave him a run for his money. I remembered the force of his punches into my stomach, sending me hurling back to the other side of the wall. His hands around my throat as he ripped my clothes off to rape me but as he tried to bite my breasts, I bite his ear... right off.

"Ooooo that's my girl," Gordon replied.

The rest of the scene was me kicking the shit of him until he was unconscious before being shot with a tranquiliser dart from afar and blacking out.

I felt myself start to choke...

"Wait, wait honey," his father said. "I will help you. I need to take you off these machines. Get the doctor."

A while later I was breathing on my own. I could feel it. I could also feel John's hand in mine, his head against me as he rested. I was on my way back to him, I was going to avenge him and this was all out war!

M.U.S.E. (BOOK 1) (COMPLETE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora