8 Mutiny

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Attached to the top/side you'll see Bartholomew-The Silent Comedy

The bayou was quiet. Other than the whistle of wind through the trees and occasional hoot of an owl. I cross my arms. The soft zip up hoodie I had shrugged on over a change of shirt, shielded me against the light breeze. Though, it didn't bother me as I was a vampire.

I trudge through the mulch under foot in my converse, wearing my black ones in case it became bloody. "Listen." NiKlaus orders. The three of us pause in our steps, each a meter or so apart. I focus on hearing in one direction, and scanning the trees. Nothing other than ordinary nature sounds hits my ears.

"I got them." Hayley says suddenly, taking off in one direction that led deeper into the Bayou. We followed immediately. She stops just outside a clearing where a group of vampires stood.

I clench my jaw, recognizing the one in the lead. The wolf hating boy I turned about 70 years ago. He was loyal up until now. Alfred. I look at Hayley, and she walks into the clearing.

After a moment Klaus and I follow her. The moment Alfred sees me I can see his eyes shift. Fear. I almost smirked, but instead I repeated the League's Moto. For that which gives us immortality may take it away. The same phase written on my back in Gaelic. Surrounded with roses.

"Shall we get this over with?" Hayley asks, baring her hybrid fangs, and her eyes darkening. Alfred's face turns into determination rather than fear. In that instant I vowed to myself to tear his heart from his chest.

At once the vampires are upon us. I recognize some of which I've sired but no matter. They've joined in on Alfred's mutiny and that is all I need to kill them. NiKlaus, Hayley and I fight. Winning each battle. Staking those who fought with hatred with the fallen branches at our feet.

Hayley and Klaus both use their teeth to deal a wolf-killing bite to many while I bite into their throats only to have the pleasure of ruining the thing I created. A volatile gesture that didn't serve any purpose but to satisfy my own grotesque desire to claw the faces from those who's loyalties faultered. As though a reminder of how little they meant to me in the grand scheme of things. I tore through my own until finally I found my fingers gripped around the jaw of Alfred himself.

At their leader's sudden predicament, the others stop fighting, looking at me in fear, and glancing amongst themselves and at the two hybrids beside me, both splattered with blood. They're faces hostile and eyes dark, waiting for another move.

I take a step forward, grabbing Alfred's thick head of hair and forcing him onto his knees before me, facing his clan of rouges. They all didn't dare speak out to me. I look at Klaus and Hayley, then back to Alfred at his knees in front of me.

"Consider this an example being made." I announce loudly, my voice ringing in the suddenly still and quiet forest. A rather tranquil scene had the fallen leaves not been soaked with blood and a charade of dead or dying vampires writhing on the ground.

As they watch I slam my hand into his chest cavity, a strangely more difficult affliction when doing so from his back, but nonetheless​ I rip his heart free, dropping it to the ground as Alfred's body desicates and falls lifeless.

"Lead another assassination attack here." NiKlaus growls at the rest of them, then look down at the dead, a small smile finding it's way onto his lips which dripped with the blood of his victims. "You'll know what befalls you." And at once the rest of the vampires vanish, their 'flight' instinct taking over.

I look over at the hybrids. "I think we got our point across, do you?" I ask, smirking, the tangent smell and taste of blood filling my senses. NiKlaus smiles back at me, a sense of fatherly pride on his features.

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