10 .:Flashback:.

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Image attached in not mine, and I lay no claims to own it. Attached video is Hold me Down by Halsey

"By order of the king, the thief caught for stealing Prince Francis's Stallion will be executed on sight." In one quick movement of silver, the Knight pulls his sword, and shoves me aside. My gasp fills the stable as the sword is dragged into Michael's chest. I didn't have time to think, to react.

I watch in horror as the boy who was always smiling falls to his knees, his hands grasping at the sword that stuck from his abdomen. His green eyes gaze into mine one last time. Shock and a wave of nauseating dizziness hits me. The knight turns around, pulling the sword free as Michael falls to the stable floor. The stable boy slew for my own selfishness.

But I didn't feel guilt. No. The pent up rage suddenly spilled out. I screamed. I screamed so loud I was sure Romania could hear it. My shock and anger eventually fading away to sorrow. I collapsed to Michael, pulling his head onto my lap, my tears falling from my eyes to his cheeks. His lifeless dull green eyes staring up at me. My fingers twist into his inky hair, and I hold his forehead to mine, crying so hard my sobs were silent. Despair taking over my body in waves.

Minutes passed unnoticed. I was unaware of my surroundings. "I was going to marry you someday." I whisper, my cheeks salty. Suddenly I'm grasped by the arm, and a strong knight pulls me to my feet but I slumped, crying out to let me go, but I couldn't fight him. Suddenly a whip is lashed out, and pain floods my cheek. I yell out in pain. Before I can register what is happening, my attackers are dropping to the ground. I only glance at the man who had sunk his fangs into their throats. Kol. Before collapsing beside Michael again, holding him close to me, the pain from the lash on my cheek forgotten. It was minor compared to the emotional turmoil that ricocheted through my young body.

I could only feel the heavy weight of sorrow flowing through me. So real and thick that I wanted to rewind to a few minutes ago, stop the Knight. Protect him. Maybe if I had been stronger. If I had been better. Maybe I could've stopped him. I could've saved Michael. And his green eyes would still be bright and his smile would still make this castle a better place for the servants. For me. Now it was a prison.

I didn't see the way Niklaus checked in on me every few minutes, or Kol sat beside me. I didn't see Rebekah set down a mug of herbal smelling tea beside me. I didn't see Elijah busy himself with grooming the horses, sending me scared and worried glances. I didn't see them drag away the bodies of the dead knights. I didn't see any of it. I only stared into Michael's eyes as his body grew cold. As his blood on his dirty tunic dried and his skin hardening.

My eyes stung, there was a thick welt on my cheek. I scratched at it, not even registering that it brought me pain. It seemed like a dream to me. So surreal in comparison as to what I was experiencing. Someone who I had grown up beside, loved dearly, was dead in my arms. Michael, was dead. As my mind finally registers this, I close his eyes with my hand gently. My stiff muscles whining in protest after staying still so long.

I held his head to my chest, sniffling as my fingers touched his inky smooth hair. My movement alerted Kol, who had sat beside me, and he watched me, while I barely noticed him. My friend, my bloodsucking, invincible friend. With a sinking feeling in my heart, I reminded myself that at least they couldn't die. I wouldn't be alone if they were here with me. I part my lips to speak but my throat was hoarse. My voice hurt. I had lost it with my crying. "Niklaus." I was able to crack out, as renewed tears spilled from my eyes. Kol brushes my hair around my ear, soothingly.

"I'll go fetch him, love." He promises, then is up and gone. Not a full minute later and Niklaus is crouching beside me. I don't let go of Michael, but he hugs me, and I couldn't help but cry again. Finally I lay Michael down onto the stable floor, surrounding by the horses that he had groomed and taken care of for many years. Colts he had helped bring into this world.

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