33 Babysitting

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Song: Raise The Dead by Rachel Rabin

The next morning I'm woken up by a crash. I jump out of bed and am in the living room in seconds, tiredly looking from the new arrival and my older brother Bastian. I rub my eyes from sleep, amusement tickling the back of my throat as the familiar click of a gun is pulled.

Before me stood Ashley, and Bastian. He was in pajamas, sleep clothes, and regarded her with suspicion. "Ashley, I see you took my invitation." I yawn. "But why so early, and why are you armed?" The girl was pointing her gun directly at my older brother's head. Now, she glanced over at me, almost in shock. My hair was messy from sleep. My large shirt and shorts weren't something she'd ever thought she'd be seeing me in.

Ashley, lowers her gun, putting it into the waistband of her jeans, and threads her fingers through her brunette hair. "A group of spies woke me up this morning, and I barely made it out of the house alive." She answers bluntly. "Pride prevented me from going to Vincent." She answers my next question.

"You know her?" Bash asks me, confused at our casual conversation despite the topic. I nod, and look at the bag Ashley carried. It seemed to be full of clothes, or so I guessed.

"She's Alba's little sister." I shrug. "She has a bad attitude and a hot accent but otherwise she's a teddy bear." I walk into the kitchen, seeing the time on the microwave to be six. I could feel the brown eyes of the human girl glaring at me. "I invited her to come here if she needed anything, though I never expected she'd actually take me up on the offer." I explain, turning on the coffee machine. If I was going to have a busy day, I'd need about three cups before I leave the flat.

"What good did you think a gun would do?" My older brother asks.

"I hoped it'd surprise you more than anything else." She replies, her Italian words dripping with contempt. It made me smile because Bastian was probably going through the same mild amusement and shock that I first went through.

I pour the water from the Kraft into the machine, measuring it. Then open the cabinet. "What can I do for you, Ashley?" I ask, grabbing the coffee grounds and emptying some into the machine, starting the life-sustaining brew.

"I just need a place to stay until I've sorted out Alba's stuff here. Someone broke into the house, so I can't exactly stay there now." She says, watching my actions. Ashley was dressed for the day.

"Well. We happen to have an extra room available." I respond, tapping my bare foot against the tile, waiting impatiently for the coffee to heat up. Immediately my idea is shot down.

"Penelope's​ room?" Bastian says in a tone I knew to be defensive. I turn around and nod. He frowns at me, shaking his head. I roll my eyes.

"You're so dramatic."

"If she comes back-"

"She's not coming back." Francis walks in, shirtless. He looks at Ashley, not really interested in why a human girl was in our apartment. Then flicks his eyes to our brother's. "If Penelope had any intentions on coming back she would've already. I say good riddance." He combs his golden curls with his hand and I jump slightly as Bastian grabs our little brother by the shirt, across the room so fast I could barely catch it myself. Francis looked startled.

"No one is taking her room." My older brother says in a firm, overpowering voice and then drops Francis. "Is that understood?" He turns his eyes into me, the irises seeming to reflect a magenta color in the light, similar to the way his hair lights up in the sun. I shrug.

"Fine, she can bunk with me." I look at Ashley and she nods, agreeing with the arrangement. "Joseph." I raise my voice slightly, and watch as the coffee maker switches from heating to brewing. In moments the butler is in the kitchen. "Show Ashley to my room, also, fetch her a bed and put it in there will you? We can't expect the poor girl to sleep in the floor." I smile sarcastically at him. Alba's sister looked surprised at Joseph's attire and status but didn't say anything when she followed him down the hall. Perhaps she expected something of the sort seeing as we're vampires.

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