16 Arrival

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The song attached is Dark Doo Wop by MSMR and the gif is Camille and Elijah playing that trivia game.

A woman steps out of her cab, which idled on the curb. Her sharp jawline. Her bold eyelashes and perfectly shaped eyebrows contrasting with her fair skin. There was no doubt her eldest child was her's- she looked like the older version of her daughter. For an older woman, her skin was perfectly smooth. Well-kept. Her hair was like silk.

It fell down to her back when it was down. When it was up, like now, short strand in the front framed her face. Curled inwards to make her have a pure, innocent face. The rest was fastened in an ornate braid, pinned together on the crown of her head. She was just as curvy and beautiful as her daughter. Her fur-lined coat hung down to her knees, but her clothes underneath undeniably showed the lithe shape of her figure.

She clicked her tongue as she sent a glance at the cab, which stayed by the curb. The cabbie inside having been dead, she figured it wasn't going anywhere for awhile. The lady carried herself like royalty. With empowering confidence and power that even made lawyers look up in awe. Others on the street almost didn't notice her existence.

They flitted around with happy smiles and drinks in hand. Tourists, the majority of them. The city of jazz was true to its name. Music drifted from every small show on the street, both sides. People in the street preached, sang, played, painted. The culture was rich, but the Lady didn't seem interested.

She wasted no time. Her feet carried her through the brightly lit street. The lady was no stranger to New Orleans. She'd arrived early this morning, actually. Spent the day with the daughter who seemed to be a carbon copy of herself. It was a happy reunion, despite the declaration of betrayal and lies mixed in. In a fluid motion she scaled the stairs of the apartment building, knocking on the door.

A moment later it opens, revealing a presumably young black woman who's face twisted into fear when she recognized the lady. "Mary... Mary Elizabeth Casket." She stutters out. The lady, Mary, forces her way into the apartment. The pretty, stunning girl with short hair and a business dress didn't bother trying to stop the lady. She only backed up until her legs hit the sofa.

"Queen, if you would be so kind." The Lady's voice was cold as ice, though her question was even and mild. Suddenly her hand snakes out and grabs the girl. "Where's that thing who calls herself royalty, Cecilia?" She asks. Cecilia says nothing, only grasps the Woman's hands feebly as she's lifted off the ground as though she was trash.

"Fine." The lady says after a moment. "Remain loyal to the bastard of a stupid king, what do I care?" Queen Mary scoffs. "You can help me send a message."

"Go to hell." Cecilia chokes out. The lady only smiles, a slow sadistic smile.


Penelope was livid. "You killed her." She whispers, death in her eyes. She spoke and glared at me like something from an action movie.

"No. Whinnie the Poo killed her. I just witnessed it happen. After a millennium the details blur together, so don't blame your mother's foggy memory." I reply, completely free of emotion, though inside I was pleased with myself. My smirk dissolves as my older half-sister kicked down the dining table. The wooden legs coming off the top area. I put my hands on my hips. "You're going to have to compel us another table, you know?"

Behind me Sebastian groans at my antagonistic words. Penelope grabs the wooden leg, breaking it over her knee. I step forward towards her, right as she rushes at me. Fighting angry. Something that clouds many people's heads. Including her. I duck as the stake in her hand sails past my head, nipping my ear. I clench my jaw.

"You could've taken my ear off." I growl, bringing my knee upwards into her chest. Penelope grabs my neck from beneath me, flipping me hard onto my back, driving the wind from my lungs.

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