31 Recruits

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Song: Bottom of the River by Delta Rae

I look around at the bodies. And fold my arms, looking down at them in amusement. "That's one way to do it."

"You said to kill them. So I did." Onoskelis concludes. And by killing them, I didn't think you'd disappear from view, and then suddenly all of them fall to the ground with slit throats, but yeah. She killed them alright.

"This is Barbaric." Marcellus​ shakes his head in disappointment.

"No. I needed more agents in New Orleans. You wouldn't loan me the vampires so I sired my own." I look at them all. They hadn't started to wake up yet, and I knew it'll take a bit. They were in transition.

"You just killed a dozen people." Marcel scoffs. "If I had known that's what was on your agenda I wouldn't have turned down your offer." The Prince of the City says. I swing my gaze to him, then to Onoskelis.

"I didn't kill them." I correct. Onoskelis had. They had my blood in their system. "Plus, they all wanted to be vampires, that's why they were here." I gesture to Marcel's gym. "I granted their wish." I roll over the nearest body with my foot, exposing the slit throat and pale face. "Call me a fairy godmother."

"You're not funny."

"I think she's very funny." Onoskelis offers. I send her an appreciative smile.

"Says the demon with no sense of humor." Marcellus shakes his head again.

"You're bringing down the atmosphere with your virtuous inclination, please, feel free to leave." I invite, gesturing to the door of the gym. Marcel only fixed me with a hard gaze. Then someone stirs on the floor. "Fetch a human off the street, will you, Skelly?" I look at Onoskelis. Her smile drops off her face.

"You nicknamed me 'Skelly'?" She asks in dismay.

"Your name is a mouthful." I put my hands on my hips, lifting my shoulders innocently.

"Don't shorten my name." She grits out, then leaves to fetch an unsuspecting human. Right as they begin to wake up. The new fledgling vamps.

"Brilliant." I smile gleefully as Onoskelis materializes with a human. "Let's get this show on the road."


I walk into the compound, and my gaze flicks to Elijah, who was about to speak when Marcel and Klaus comes into the room, Sebastian in tow behind them. "Marcellus tells me you turned a bunch of vampires earlier." Klaus says. I look at Marcel and roll my icy eyes.

"Of course he did. Tattle tale." I insult lamely, sitting down and watch as Elijah's lips twitch in the beginnings of a smile but he remains looking down at his book of poetry.

"What are we, twelve?" Marcel rolls his eyes. I smile plasticly.

"One of us is." I reply. "I needed to build the ranks of The League, so I did." I shrug.

"Her moral compass doesn't exactly point North." Klaus adds. I rose my eyebrows, leaning back and putting my hands behind my head.

"You're one to talk, lecturing me on my morals." I snap. Klaus looks at me with his jaw clenched, raising a finger at me. I fought back laughing.

"Don't start." His accent almost disappeared with annoyance. This time I do snicker, because it was funny, really. Treating me like a kid and all. I look around the room, spotting Joseph and waving the butler over, grabbing a liquor glass from the table.

"Fill her up." I tap the glass, pulling my knife from my pocket and handing it to the butler. He opens his mouth to speak. But alas, remembers he cannot. His tongue was cut off. Instead, Joseph does as he's told, cutting his palm and letting his blood drain into the glass.

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