plot factory.

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"prisoners of the Ark, hear me now. you've been given a second chance." - jaha



okay, so probably one of the hardest things about writing a fanfic is coming up with a plot that makes your story original, and not just a copy of the TV show with your OC awkwardly wandering around not really doing stuff. and also it's super incredibly hard to think up a plot that isn't totally overdone.

the amount of fanfics I've started where the OC is Clarke Griffin's twin sister, or Marcus Kane's daughter, is kind of ridiculous. (OKAY I ADMIT, MY OC IS KANE'S DAUGHTER, IM GUILTY DONT HURT ME) it's totally fine. like for example if i didn't make my character Kane's daughter my entire plot wouldn't work out (you'll have to read to see why...). its totally cool. but like, if you don't need your OC to be Kane's daughter, or Clarke's twin, etc, why not choose a less overrated plot??


✢ i want to reiterate, just because you may be using an 'overused' plot or relationship in your story does NOT mean it's bad. i've read many fanfics with 'overused' plots that were totally AWEsOme and stayed my existence. just because you used a basic plot or relationship that others have used does NOT mean your book sucks, and there's still tons of room for your own creativity and uniqueness to shine through. i'm simply trying to encourage originality/help people who are having trouble coming up with a plot!

✢ also, if your book follows one of the 'underrated' plots that i listed below, or you feel like one of the plots i listed below isn't underrated feel free to let me know, it's just that i've never personally read or came across a fanfic with any of these plots. if they do exist though, i'd love to read them! also remember i'm not saying the plots below have never been used, i'm just saying i haven't seen them be used a lot.


so without further ado, here's a short list (that i'll probably add to) of like super basic non-detailed plots/relationships your OC could potentially have that as far as know aren't super over-used (but i mean, i could be wrong, it's not like i've read every 'the 100' fanfic.)


- your oc is a member of a guard who, like bellamy, sneaks onto the drop-ship for reasons you can come up with.

- your oc is diana sydney's child. either she can be on her mother's side (against the council/ark) or she hates her mother's view. she could be a member of the 100 or a lone survivor of the drop-ship her mother sent down...

- your oc is one of the delinquents, but is put in lockup for a more original crime. (i.e., computer hacking, impersonation, fraud/forgery instead of the usual 'stealing rations', or 'avenging a floated parent', etc)

- your oc is an engineer or mechanic, and is best friends with raven reyes (or plot twist they are enemies with raven but forced to work together). they're also recruited by abby to help rebuild the pod and end up going to earth with raven.

- your oc is from mount weather. i've barely ever see any fanfics where this is the case. you could play around so much with it. make them dante's other child, maya's best friend, dr. tsing's assistant, etc etc etc. you could also make it that bc of genetics or something your OC is the only mountain man capable of going outside without dying of radiation poisoning, and is sent as a spy to the drop-ship so your character can be part of season 1... OR MAYBE they receive a bone marrow transfusion but they feel guilty about it after and they join maya's resistance ID i'm just rambling now this got me hyped i'm so pumped full of caffeine.

- your oc is a survivor of one of the parts of the ark when it lands on earth. maybe they're a lone survivor or they could be in a group.

OKAY SORRY THIS LIST IS SUPER SHORT RN i'm severely over tired, but i promise i'm going to add to it as more ideas come. also, if you have any ideas just private message them to me, and i'll add it onto the list and give you full credit.

also, i wanted to say thanks so flipping much that this little tip book as like almost 600 or something reads!!!!!!! it means so much to me. also, if you have any suggestions for tips i could write on, pls pls let me know bc i'm kind of running out of ideas... you're all the best! xo tay

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