rant one.

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"I love you." - Finn Collins


TWO POSTS IN ONE DAY???!?! the answer is yes. i need to get this off my chest.

soooooo this post is sort of a mix between a rant and a tip. so just bare with me okay? hopefully it makes sense. we'll see. it makes sense to me lol. so please remember when you're reading this it's MY opinion. you don't have to agree, but please be nice!

here we go....

☞ FIRST OF ALL, love interests aren't necessarily a bad thing or a good thing. obviously it's VERY common in most fanfics for the OC to fall in love with a character from the original book or TV show. and this isn't a bad thing at all.........but it also doesn't have to happen.

honestly, i'd LOVE to see more fanfics where either a) the OC honestly doesn't have a love interest. they can still have complex relationships like maybe a crush, best friend, sibling, etc, but they don't have to have a love interest. i think it would be so cool to read a fanfic where the OC has dynamic relationships with characters that aren't necessarily romantic...  OR b) a love interest with a super slow burn. because first of all it's more realistic. especially in the 100 world. your characters just got dropped off on a radioactive planet, and are in the middle of a war against grounders. i don't think getting into a steady relationship is going to be their main concern. also it just makes the most sense. honestly if a character can start out as acquaintances, make their way up to friends, maybe even be eventually best friends, then best friends who flirt for like a majority of the book or even book series, then finally make their relationship official, that's fine by me.

what i personally want to see is realistic friendships, interesting relationships (not just romantic) & complex background stories. i don't read fanfics because i want to read a cringey, awkward make-out scene every other chapter. i'd literally rather read a fanfic where the two 'love interests' only kiss once, but have an amazing story/relationship than a fanfic packed with make-out scenes that literally make me want to dunk my head in holy water and delete this app. i know that sound kinda harsh, and remember it's just my opinion, but it's the truth.

☞ SECONDLY, i'm always seeing stuff about 'underrated love interests'...and i totally agree!!!!!!!!! there are so many characters from the 100 that deserve more fanfics about them because they're amazing characters. BUT just because a character isn't a love interest in your book, doesn't mean you can't give them love. for example, if you're writing a fanfic where Octavia is the love interest, it doesn't mean you can't make your OC have a super cool relationship with Monty that totally shows off his kickass side....ya feel? 

also, i think when you write a fan fiction, the focus of the story should be your OC. so yeah, in my opinion  it doesn't really matter if the love interest is Raven, Finn, Jasper, Lincoln, Anya or freaking Dante Wallace (lol help me). the book should be about your OC. their journey. tell their story! make your book about them!!!! everyone already knows the stories of the others.  when i write my book 'hiraeth' i always think, "it's not a 'bellamy blake fanfic', it's hazel hudson's story." i'm not saying that the characters from the show are irrelevant, i just mean make sure your OC isn't just there to be a love interest. make them there for a more important reason, and tell their story. it's shouldn't matter wether or not they end up with Bellamy or Jasper or Clarke or Thelonius Jaha. what matters is how they grow as character throughout your book(s).


OKAY LOL HOPEFULLY THAT MADE SOME SORT OF SENSE IDEK ANYMORE THAT WAS JUST REALLY BOTHERING ME AND I JUST NEEDED TO PUT IT OUT THERE. like i mentioned earlier, if you don't agree with me, that's totally fine, just please be nice about it. i respect everyone's opinions so please do the same for me bc honestly i'm just a little bean who doesn't mean to offend anyone. ☺

thank you for reading!!!!!! like always if you have a fanfic for 'the 100' that you want me to read, comment about it on the 'sell your story' chapter of this book so that myself and others can read it. ALSO if you have any tip requests either dm them to me or comment them on the 'request' chapter. LOVE U ALLLLLLL xo xoxoxoxox tay

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