~ Chapter Twenty-Two ~

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Chapter Twenty-Two ~ What A Frisky Night?

"Evening Tate, sorry but we thought we could pop over?" My father asks me and I open the door but run up to Asher.

"Our parents are here" I whisper shout to Asher and immediately his eyes widen with fear. He quickly dashes up the stairs while the others are looking at us confused.

"Evening everyone and congrats on the engagement" my father says, stating the ending to Jess and Ben. My mother, Harper and John also say hello with the rest of us saying hello back.

"Now where is my son?" Harper asks and everyone smirks but it's lost as Asher runs down. His breathes coming out ragged and his shirt is now changed into his old top.

"I'm hey" he breaths out in a smile, my heart flutters at his smile. "What are you guys doing here?" He asks confusedly at why his and mine parents are here.

"We wanted to see what the future married couple is doing? Plans started yet?" My mom says with happiness towards Asher and I.

"Not yet but I'm sure we will start soon" I reassure our mothers. Nice save. But as always I spoke to soon.

"Good because we have already started the engagement party even if we haven't got a date yet" Harper smiles, Asher and I freeze with shock. This is really happening; this marriage. The others cheer but shut up as soon as they see Asher and mines death glare.

"What you guys playing?" My dad shakes his head looking at the bottle on the table, taking a seat along with John on the sofa I was one. "Spin the bottle?" He says looking at us to see if he was correct.

"Wow Hugh your really getting in the trend" Jess smirks at my father which he returns a laugh with a roll of his eyes. I notice our mothers sit along with them leaving Asher and I standing up.

"Don't stop on our account" John says amused and I hear a sigh exit Asher's mouth along with a sigh from me. We both sit on the floor and I watch Asher spins the bottle.

Worst part is that it lands on me. Great! I look up timidly as I see all eyes on me. Slowly turning my head to the side to I see a cheesy grin on Asher's face.

"Go one tell me the dare" I say and he leans over whispering me the dare. Eyes wide and my blood pumps faster.

So for starting easy.


Here I am. Tate Pierce standing outside with the others wrapped in warm clothes looking at me form in front of the building. However I'm in the road in a tight and short red dress with black heels on. The more mature adults are looking at me like I'm crazy while the others are laughing to themselves.

Want to know my dare? It's to try and see if I could get a guy to kiss me. Sounds easy... well not for me! I'm very self conscious and Asher knows that so he had to put me trying to get a kiss. I'm not good with this- I actually never really kissed a stranger. I have kissed a person I knew but didn't date before but nothing more.

"Him" Asher whisper yells at me, turning my head I see him pointing. Following his eye line I tense and see a dark silhouette making him creepy looking, walking towards us. His clothes are all dark not being able to see.

Here goes nothing. Out of all the dares he chose this one?

Walking up nervously which I try to hide, I stand in front of him. I keep it together and I look round to see the others hidden. Great. My eyes roam back to the guy to be met with a familiar pair of eyes. I take a look at all of him and begin to remember who I'm looking at, he's obviously doing the same. We meet eyes again and small smiles come onto our faces.

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