Chapter 1

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Main cover credits go to @ZapFtZayn! Doesn't it look amazing!!!!


So let me start off by saying most of the trouble I get into is because of Brooklyn, my crazy and psychotic best friend. I'm sure she doesn't mean to get us into so much trouble even though she tells me constantly that my life would be boring as hell if she weren't in it.

Which is how we wound up in Charlotte North Carolina on a Saturday night even though we went to college in Chapel Hill. Our college classes wouldn't start up again until after Christmas break and Brooklyn didn't plan on letting me get through the holidays without a little bit of excitement. Especially since my parents wouldn't be visiting me this year, just like the last holiday and the one before.

I'm sure they wanted to but they were still paying off medical bills run up by none other than yours truly. It wasn't my fault I had spent weeks in a hospital last year, it was Duke's fault. Trust me, an abusive relationship with an angry maniac wasn't the way I wanted to spend my Senior year in high school but sometimes we don't get to pick what happens to us.

But something I was able to pick was my best friend, whom I met in sixth grade, going to college with me. When Brooklyn and I got partnered together in cheer leading as bases, I hated her guts. I thought she was bratty and arrogant and a total slut.

But I learned to love Brooklyn, even through her flaws. She had beautiful skin the color of warm chocolate and curly brown hair that bounced around her shoulders when she walked. She was about as tall as I was and had a perfectly sculpted face with entrancing dark eyes that held the shadows of her past. And dare I forget to mention the huge ass she had, though nearly every guy complimented her on it. She used her body to her advantage in every way possible and it worked.

I wished I had half the confidence she had, but Duke's abusive hold over me has left me broken and timid, much to Brooklyn's dismay. I wasn't as outgoing was Brooklyn even though she's been helping me get over this past year. My wavy blonde hair which wound it's way down my back was usually thrown up into a pony tail because I didn't want to style it. My hazel eyes didn't contain the same bright interest they used to before I began dating Duke. I had a curvy body which many men enjoyed staring at, but now I hid myself away behind jeans and sweatshirts. I hadn't worn a skirt in over a year. My high cheekbones were naturally blushed but I didn't apply too heavy of eye make up in fear of drawing attention to my beauty. So what if I kept to myself more than most girls, I had gone through more shit than most girls have gone through as well.

"Hello, earth to Emma, get your head out of the clouds." Brooklyn bumped her shoulder into mine, drawing me from my thoughts.

"Oh what?" I replied back, looking over at my friend. Her eyes looked even more intimidatingly beautiful with the dark make up which she had applied perfectly. Her hair shined in the moonlight as she strutted down the sidewalk in her red heels, tiny skirt and cut off shirt outlining her body without fail.

Brooklyn had dressed me in a pair of her favorite ripped jeans, a black heel, and a deep v-neck shirt. She tried to get me to dress a little more on the whorish side but I wouldn't let her, I felt uncomfortable enough as it was in this tank top.

"I was asking you which way you think would be better to get to the club. Should we catch a cab and take it down the main road or would it be better to walk and take a short cut?" It was obvious which choice Brooklyn wanted, walking would provide a sense of danger to our night as if it wouldn't be risky enough going to a club with a bunch of strangers.

Why even try arguing with her? "I guess we should just walk. Do you even know a short cut? We aren't exactly from around these parts you know."

Brooklyn shrugged, "So what? I can find the way, just leave it to me."

It's Not PerfectTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon