Chapter 7

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Ryder walked me to class everyday for the rest of that week. And he walked me to class everyday the next week as well. For two weeks, Ryder and me have spent every morning together and I already felt like I knew everything about him. He was smart and funny and obviously sarcastic, but there was also a soft side to him that he hid very well.

"Morning Killer." Ryder greeted as I passed him on my way out of my apartment building.

"Good morning Stud." I replied back. I wasn't sure when I had started calling him 'Stud' but by now it just felt natural.

"Any plans for today?" Ryder asked, walking beside me towards the north building.

I shrugged, "Not really. I only have one class today and it's in about ten minutes."

Ryder rolled his eyes and sighed, "Sounds dreadful. Come on, let's skip classes today and do something fun. It's Friday after all and all college kids are required to have fun on Fridays."

"That's a lie."

Ryder laughed, "So what if it is? Come on Killer, don't make me raise hell all by myself. I know you have it in you and I know you want to. You just need someone like me to give you the proper push."

"Push all you want, I'm going to my class. Maybe afterwards I'll buy you some coffee." I reasoned, hoping he'd go along with it.

"Whatever you say, princess." Ryder huffed, clearly upset by my responsible behavior.

Today, Ryder was wearing a plain gray shirt and a pair of dark jeans but as always he made the dreary clothes work for him. His dark hair was especially messy today and his eyes were just as bright as the blue sky around us. I was just wearing skinny jeans and a t-shirt, making me feel utterly bland in comparison to Ryder's perfect figure.

"Ryder!" A voice bellowed from behind us, snapping me from my thoughts, "Hold up."

I turned around and found a man walking briskly towards us, dressed in a dark blue suit with a white undershirt and a blue tie. Behind him were two younger looking men, both dressed in black suits with dark sun glasses. He had black hair slicked backed, dark eyes to match his hair, and tanned skin. He looked to be older than us but not by much, maybe in his mid to late thirties? He looked to be of Mexican nationality and you could hear his thick accent when he spoke.

Beside me, Ryder's entire body tensed as if he were preparing for a fight. I felt his hand enclose mine, tightly. I looked down to his fingers entwined with mine, then back up to his face. He was staring at this man with an extremely solid countenance. Whoever this guy was, he was dangerous enough to cause fear in Ryder...and that definitely set terror rampaging throughout my body.

"Good morning Lord Miguel." Ryder spoke respectfully, keeping his tone light, "What are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking?"

The man smiled at Ryder, he seemed friendly enough, "I'm actually here to talk with you."

"What's with the Men in Black?" Ryder asked, referring to the men standing behind Miguel. Ryder's eyes were wide, alert. A look I had only seen him wear when he was in his fight two weekends ago. Something wasn't right.

Miguel shrugged, "Just precaution. Why don't we take this somewhere a little more private? Say, your apartment?"

Miguel started off in the direction of where I'm assuming Ryder's apartment was. Ryder began walking as well, letting go of my hand until Miguel turned around and pointed at me, "Bring the girl."

Ryder watched Miguel walk away then turned to me, "Listen Emma, this is a very dangerous man. Don't say a single word until he leaves okay? And no matter what happens, no matter what he does to me, don't try to fight him. Please just trust me on this one, alright?"

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