Chapter 26

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Okay, so maybe offering myself to my ex wasn't the best idea.

It definitely saved Ryder and that's all that really mattered...but I couldn't help but wonder if there was a better way to do it? Because now I was being taken to some far away place where Duke would surely end my life in the cruelest way possible...not my best plan.

But this is the way it should be. This is what I've wanted from the beginning. Duke was my problem and my problem alone, it shouldn't involve my parents or my friends or Ryder. I should face Duke on my own without jeopardizing my friends or family. And if that meant I was going to die in the place of someone I love, then that's how it's going to have to be. Because I was done letting Duke push me around and make a fool out of me. It was time someone stood up to him and proved that there was more to me than just a helpless girl.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, taking in every detail to save to memory. He was leading me down a basically empty hallway, the only other thing was a metal cart and a wheelchair.

Duke shrugged, "Somewhere away from the rest of the group, but close enough so they can hear you scream."

I laughed, it was small and shaky but it was still a laugh and it still pissed off Duke. He jerked me to the side, slamming me against a wall, "What's so funny Emmalin?"

My head cracked against the concrete behind me and I felt more warm liquid dripping down the back of my neck. For a long time I couldn't respond, my thoughts were completely jumbled around within my skull. Duke pinned me against the wall, oblivious to the pain washing across my countenance. I took a deep breath and laughed again through the pain, forcing it out.

"You've already lost Duke." I mumbled out, my vision slowly drifting in and out, "Why do you keep on fighting? You've got to know that no matter what, I've won."

Duke grabbed my hair and threw my head back until my skull whacked against the wall again, another wave of darkness creeping at the edges of my sight as Duke growled in my face, "Listen to me bitch, you haven't won. I'll never let you win, because I'm in control. You're mine and as long as you're mine, you'll never win."

"I haven't been yours for a long time." I spit in his face, doing everything in my power to keep my eyes open despite how heavy they felt.

Duke suddenly rammed his lips against mine, kissing me harshly. It wasn't anything compared to Ryder's kisses, there was no fire. With Ryder, my entire body was scorched by the time we were through. With Duke, all I felt was ice.

He pulled away and smiled wickedly, "You'll always be mine."

And suddenly it was like the girl I had been before all of this abuse nonsense, had returned. With a new found anger I threw my head forward, ignoring the pain as my hair was ripped from my scalp by Duke's firm grip, and slammed my head against Duke's. He stumbled backwards and away from me. Then I watched carefully as Duke tripped over his own two feet and into a large metal cart which lay right next to him.

Then he lay there, still as a board.


And I waited, holding my breath.

He was going to be absolutely pissed when he woke up, which meant I shouldn't be anywhere near here. Using what little strength I had left, I managed to stumble my way back into the main room where my friends were still tied and left on the floor. There were only three men left in this room, Jose must have left after Duke took me away. But even three men was too much for me, I couldn't take them all out without getting pummeled in the process. And I couldn't get any of the guys untied to help me without the three goons seeing me.

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