
915 51 38

[ Him ; Her ; Others ; Narration ]

Wednesday, 4:34 am


"You and your gang will have to do better to outsmart us. Any last words, Grey?"

"Can I call someone?"

"Since it's your last moment in life, I guess I'll be a nice guy for once and grant your wish."

"The number is 310-789-6099."

"I'll give you five minutes. You know your boundaries."

dialing 310-789-6099


"Ughhhhhh..... This better be important."


"Kayden?! Why are you calling from an unknown number? Aren't you camping out with no signal? Why are you calling at four?"

"Calm down. Look, I don't have much time left."

"What do you mean? Are you dying?"

"Well, sort of. I called because I want you to know that I never regret getting to know you. Also, your bikini photo shoot was spicy as wasabi sauce. Shit, I'm getting off topic."

"Kayden seriously what are you talking about?"

"I don't have much time left. Listen-"

Suddenly sirens were heard from inside the abandoned warehouse. The gang that was about to acupuncture him to death stormed into the room.


"How the fuck do I know? Go ask Dora."


"Put your hands up!"

"Kayden, is everything okay?"

"Some gang was about to kill me and the police just showed up, yeah, everything is pretty gucci."

"Now is not the time to be sarcastic."

"Oh, the police officer just kicked the one person in the nut. Damn, that must've hurt."

"You're such an idiot."

"I told them the almighty Kayden is undefeatable, they never listen."

"We need you in the station for questions."

"But, police officer, my girlfriend and I are trying to converse with each other."



[ author's note ]

omg this chapter was so shitty, i cant even. welp, i hope you guys got preview a little of kayden's life and got to know what emma could do besides being her famous self.

also, don't be a silent reader! i love reading comments and your opinion of this book. reading your comments makes me really happy! ;)

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