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WARNING: Before you continue on, this is a filler chapter that I didn't intended to post and re-write but too lazy to so I'm gonna edit it later. Please don't cringe to death from reading this but who the heck cares and continue on reading

Emma Harper

I sigh as I zip up my suitcase for the week.

I roll the suitcase out of the closet and place it besides my bathroom door.

I jump onto my bed with my phone, just to be bombarded with five thousand notifications.

Over the course of the five months, I have modeled for various big companies, started in a movie, and hit 10 million subscribers on my YouTube channel that I haven't posted in about a 9 months. But recently, I've decided to start making videos featuring other celebrities.

I guess that really gained much more attention.

But now, it's December. I decide to take a break on YouTube after my last video I posted in November. My schedule is cleared, all I have to do is enjoy myself at the cabin.

I let out another sigh as I think about Kayden. I lay on my bed, thinking about our memories, our phone calls, and how we avoided each other like the plague at school.

Slowly, my vision darken as I fell into a deep sleep.

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