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[ Him ; Her ; Others ; Narration ]

Friday, 12:20 am

calling : kayden


"Yo wassup my dude."

"I'm not in the mood Emma."

"What happened?"

"Jared thinks I'm rebelling against him."

"Who is Jared again?"

"My step-dad."

"Oh, so then?"

"He's offering me two options."

"Go on."

"He offered me to ship Ivory and Landon to England to live with my aunt whom I never heard of since they apparently kept it from us in exchange for 10 years worth of service for him and gang. This option ensures that they will be safe. "

"What's the other option?"

"To kill them."

"What the hell?"

"I chose the first option. They're leaving today."

"Do you really plan on working for them for ten years?"

"No. That's why I told Ivory and Landon to leave England and stay low after they arrive and reunite with my aunt."

"You're putting their lives in danger by doing that."

"Jared is planning to kill them either or."

"How do you know? What if he keeps his promise-"

"He never keeps his promise. I understand him all too well."

"Wow, I don't know what to say."

"I don't know."




{ author's note }

sorry for the shitty chapter, i got distracted in between watching hannie (hayden and annie) videos for some reason idk. lmao

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