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Emma's Point of View

I wake up in a dim room, my vision is blurry and unfocused.

"You're finally awake." A girl's voice said beside me.

I look over to her and saw her and a teenage boy also tied up like me.

I raise my eyebrow at them. "How long have I been out?"

"An hour. Ugh, this is so boring." The girl complains. "I'm Ivory by the way, Kayden's sister. And that idiot right there is Landon."

"Nice to meet you. Kayden's been running your fan-page for me pretty well." I smile.

She blushes slightly while Landon let out a groan.

"That bastard will get his dick removed with a screwdriver if he doesn't untie this shit around me." Landon snarls.

"Watch your language, young lad. How old are you? 13?" I scold.

"I'm 14, thank you very much." He snaps back.

I ignore him before trying to think of a way to untie myself.

My purse hung loosely around me. Having an idea, I move my chair slightly to get my purse swinging just by a little bit.

I push my body over to grab the purse with my wrist tied together before unzipping the bag and taking out the pocket knife I had in my purse. Slowly, I cut the ropes on my hand and on my legs and stood up.

"Those idiots are so dumb, they didn't even check my bag." I snicker.

"If you escape, there are about 65 of them. You won't make it out alive." Ivory says.

Looking around, I find extra rope before an idea formulated. I hid the cut up rope under the stack of hay before retrieving more rope. That was after I tuck my pocket knife in my back pocket.

I sat back in my chair with the metal making my bottom uncomfortable and wrapped the rope around my legs without tying it and did the same with my arm.

"I'm not escaping." I declare.

"Even if you did, you probably wouldn't be able to." Ivory retorts.

Landon sat there silently, fuming over the fact that he was kidnapped.

Not a second later, the two main doors in front of us slam open.

A man walks in with three others surrounding us.

"Hello, Miss. Hollywood." He says mockingly.

"Hello, soon-to-be-dead old fucking man," I say in the same tone.

He chuckles and before pulling out a gun.

"Who shall I kill first?" He says as he runs his thumb over the gun.

"Your nut." Landon says in a bored tone.

"Better watch that mouth of yours." The man growls. He raises his eyebrow at one of the men, before one of them slapping Landon across the face.

"JARED." A voice booms out. I turn to the familiar sound.

"Kayden?" I blurt out.

"Em- Ivory? Landon? What the heck are you guys doing here." Kayden sputters out in confusion. "Aren't you guys suppose to be somewhere in England?"

"That hoe kidnapped us," Ivory says nodding towards Jared.

Two other men came in.

"There are no cops, sir." One of the men said.

"At least you're smart enough to come yourself," Jared smirks towards Kayden.

"Now, you either save all of them by coming back and work for me or only save one of them." Jared offers.

My insides died a little.

"Kayden, if you go back to work for him, Ivory and I will never forgive you." Landon barks out.

Kayden looks at us and back to Jared with anger, confusion, sadness, and puzzlement.

"Take Ivory! Take her and go." Landon urges.

"It's his choice, not yours. Shut up." Jared rages.

Kayden looked absolutely broken.

"I-" He started but couldn't find himself to finish.

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