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kayden | emma


Emma resurfaced bridal style in Kayden's arms.


"Honey, if you hadn't let go of your grip on me because of that comment I made than you would've been fine. Plus you're not dead so that's the good thing."

Emma gave him an annoyed scowl. "I want to go to the five feet deep end."

"Fine fine."

As Kayden casually swims over to the shallower ends of the pool, he lets Emma down.

"You're a big pervert you know that right." She snaps pointing at his chest accusingly whilst not drooling over his six pack.

". . ."

Emma rolled her eyes but then her expression changed to a face of confusion. 

"Kayden, what are we? Friends don't kiss each other."

Kayden paused for a second before smirking. "What do you want us to be?"

". . ."

"Date night tomorrow, okay? Seven o'clock am. I'll be waiting in your closet."

Emma lets out a laugh before she froze.

"Did you just say seven o'clock AM?"

"Yes, better go to sleep early tonight."

"Wellll, gotta get out of the pool, shower and then go sleep. Buh-Bye."

"Do I get a kiss for asking you out on a date?"


Kayden kissed her anyway. Emma wanted to push away but maybe it was the little crush she had on him that made her draw even closer and kissed back. 

[ author's note ]

props to me for always writing at three am in the morning. enjoy this draft from yesterday morning because i couldnt sleep

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