On With the Show

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Miyomi POv

Shit high key changed. I though it was bad before , I don't even know how to describe what's happening now. I behave soo....even my behaviour is so upsetting. I swear to the heavens I'm low key retarded , I'd prefer the term special though.

I was currently in a the kitchen making break fast when I felt strong..... Muscular.. Thick... Vein filled... Male hands curled around my fragile waist. "Good morning sunshine" Then came a peck on the cheeks. " Not ma Dino " I high key wetted myself. How embarrassing, but I played it cool you know cause I'm a G so I gotta keep a straight face. " I know M" What is this lil big dude tryna do me!? Ain't nobody gon give me a heart attack... I only had sex like twice... Literally

"Ohhh" I didn't know what to say.

"So what you making? " He yawned

"well unfortunately for you... We won't be having ma for breakfast " I chuckled.

" You just gotta bring that shit up don't you? " He said shaking his big head

"always papi" I smirked. I know mom called him that.

"Papi huh??"

"C'mon dont be a pervert now"

" Ion even say nothing "

" Well you had that lil perverted pedo look on your face... Where you smirk and raise an eyebrow and your eyes do this weird thing"

" The hell?? You be studying me ? "

"Noo your just a pervert ninety ninety percent of the time I'm around you so I get use to that look" I did kinda look more than I should sometimes.. But he ain't gotta know that.

"You sure bout that? "

"Positive bobble head"

"You tryna say my head big? "

" Is you blind lil guy? Your head and that ego is the only thing big about you "

"The only reason my head and ego big is because i've got a big dic-"

"Mommy" I was so happy to see her...not only was the room getting hot but so was my body. I took a glance at him only to catch him already staring. Well fuck... Couldn't be any more awkward..

"So I'm heading out for day or two" I know she is up to something, but she does this thing where she makes me play detective and I fucking hate it because she does nothing right. "James coming too, we are heading out in a hour"

"Alright " That was all Angelo said. Well he seems to couldn't give a flying fuck. I would.. Knowing ma I'll give all the fucks In the world. "So whats for breakfast? "

" The usual... Have a feast! " I smiled at Angelo. " So where are you heading to? "

"Why it matter?"

"Ohh nothing really, its not because i'm your daughter or because I care about you... And it sure isn't because you don't think things through... Nope.... Not because of that "

"Ok then leave me alone " Would I be a bad person to say she deserves whatever she gets? Hopefully she doesn't get anything... But lets say something does happen.... I highly believe she deserves it... Like one hundred percent..... I'm a horrible person. Anyways that was my cue to leave, she knew how to piss me off.

I walked up the stairs deciding what the hell to do. Setting up my sound system I played my favorite mix tape of my favorite artist Masicka. I stripped myself of my clothes and stepped into the shower drowning out the argument Angelo had started with Ma. 'Why you gotta do that thou? ' was the simple six word sentence said by Angelo that caused that argument .

Ma and James had eventually left leaving Angelo and I alone. Holy fuck!!!! I was alone with Angelo. The devil just fucked me back ways twice. 'Why they gotta do that thou? '

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