Introduction || Prologue

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"Yes!" She moaned as she pressed the vibrator to her clit

After giving out her final orgasm, she got out the bed to clean herself up in the bathroom. She knew her heartbeat was over 100 whilst smiling at being satisfied.

"Excuse me, bitch?" Her face scrunched up as she looked at the wash cloth seeing light red on it.

Her period started.

She shrugged it off and deep down, she didn't give two shits. All she cared about was having her last orgasm for the week.

Landon hurried to take off the sheets of the bed. She tossed them over to the side and went to get dressed for her plane ride. She decided to wear a pair of cargo pants with black stilettos and a leather jacket.

Tossing her hand gun, taser, and cameras in between the clothes of her suitcase, Landon grabbed the handle and was ready to roll out. She overstayed her welcome in South Carolina and was set on Baghdad. A smirk etched on her subtle face when a maid waltzed into her former hotel room as she stood in the elevator.

Soon, Landon entered the airport. She waited in line to get her ticket and stood behind a rather tall guy. His height somewhat intimidated her and she's only 5 foot 8.

Nobody makes her feel that way. Ever.

Someone bumped into her and quickly apologized. But when she got bumped, she collided into the person ahead. That instantly caused him to look over and down at her, his bright blue eyes glaring into her dark brown ones.

"Problem?" He inquired.

Landon arched an eyebrow, "None."

She wanted to grab a hold of him and punch him right in the kisser. Her right foot tapped rapidly on the tiled floor ready to get on the plane.

Landon soon settled down in her seat about to sneak a few bites from her cereal bar. She hated when people watched her eat and couldn't stand when people stuck their noses in her business. That only made her want to rip them off.

Hearing someone sit in the seat next to her, she saw in her peripherals that it was the guy from earlier. She didn't care and never really bothered to hold a grudge. As long as he doesn't invade her space or befriend her, Landon's cool with him.

She kept her head either down or in the direction of the window the entire flight to Baghdad. It was his aurora that made her uncomfortable and it wasn't a good one.

Landon responded back to several messages and one to her younger brother. Her thumb swiped left to see all the photos she had took and scrolled through Instagram feeds and Twitter tweets.


"Ma'am, wake up." Landon felt a slight shake on her arm and she woke up instantly, "It's time to get off the plane." The flight attendant told her.

Landon's now in Baghdad.

Scurrying off, she went down to baggage claim and desperately wanted to check into her hotel. Landon went to the bathroom to change her tampon and soon left the airport. She waved down a few taxis and got into one. After telling them her destination, the driver pulled off.

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