Chapter 4

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Finally, lunch break. I love lunch breaks. Ethan and I always spend them on the stage in the auditorium because we're dramatic, edgy teens who like cliché movie places. One of the perks to being gay is that no one even bats an eye when you do something dramatic. I've even met people who were disappointed when I didn't do something dramatic. I cheered them up by belting out My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion on top of a nearby bench. They actually gave me twenty bucks afterwards.

"Guess who I saw this morning." I challenge Ethan while chewing on my nutella and banana sandwich. It's a beautiful combination you should try it sometime.

"Morgan Freeman."


"Brendon Urie."

"I wish."

"Logan Lerman."

"Hmmm... Close. Kinda looks like him when he was Charlie in Perks."

"Okay spill."

"The kid from the video you sent yesterday."

Ethan's eyes almost pop out of his head and he spits out the coke he was drinking. "No way!" he yells. "Yes way. And I think he's related to Laurence. I can recognise that heavenly facial structure anywhere."

My best friend bursts out laughing. He even goes as far as rolling around on the floor for a bit. "Dude you were born to attract awkward situations." he says when he's almost calmed down. I nod and throw the last part of my sandwich back into my lunch box. "Awkward is indeed the correct adjective to describe that moment in my life." I agree. Ethan bites his lip when he notices I'm done eating. I recognise the glint in his eyes and am very sure of what he's going to ask me.

"Can you show me some more tricking?"

I was right. "Sure." I say and get up. Then I pull of my shirt and give him what he asked. "I'm still not over how fast you can move man." Ethan quips when I halt my jumping, twisting, flipping, and turning. "I'm still not over how I spent an entire year in the same club as Laurence and still haven't dared to say a word to him man." I retort.

Ethan sighs and walks over to me. He hands me my shirt which I pull on again, then he rests his hands on my shoulders. I swear he has developed a sixth sense for my low confidence tantrums. Then again I developed one for his too. We look each other in the eye. "Reiss. You are an amazing person. I don't know anyone who is as talented with music as you are and I frankly don't know anyone who is even close to being as hot as you. That Laurence guy not noticing you is his loss, not yours. Stop beating yourself up over it."

After his little speech there's a brief silence as his words seep into my mind. Then I lean forward and kiss him. He kisses back. I know what your thinking. 'YOU GUYS ARE BEST FRIENDS WHAT IS HAPPENING'. Calm down, I'm about to explain just that.

Ethan and I have no romantic feelings for each other. But every now and then there is deffinitely some sexual tension between us. Our friendship is perfect, but as an actual couple we wouldn't work out. We have however kissed each other plenty of times. But they're not romantic kisses. You can basically translate them as 'I'm here for you' and 'thank you for being there for me'. They're also a confidence boost for when either of us is throwing a low confidence tantrum, like I am right now. We're also weird enough to not let those kisses affect are friendship. Maybe we're not just weird but crazy. If either of us ever manages to get into a relationship we would stop the kissing thing of course.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of the auditorium doors closing. Ethan and I break our kiss and look over. Oh my God it's the guy from the fucking video again. We awkwardly stare at each other. I notice how shiny his eyes are and how distressed he seems. "I'm sorry, I didn't think there would be people here." he says quickly, his voice raw. I think he's actually about to cry. My mind tries to find the link between that video and the tears he's barely holding back.

I can't just stand here and think though. This guy is about to have a breakdown and needs to be alone. I push Ethan towards his stuff and start collecting mine. "It's fine." I tell the guy. "You look like you need this place more than we do right now."

The corners of my mouth lift in a sort of forced smile. I hope he doesn't notice it's forced though. This is seriously so awkward. I mean, I watched this guy give someone a blowjob and jerked off to it. But I'm starting to think he did not give his permission for that video to end up on pornhub. Someone tricked him. That's a seriously shitty thing to do.

As I pass by him I lift my hand, meaning to pat him on the shoulder. But about halfway through the motion I awkwardly halt and pull my hand back. I gulp nervously and scratch the back of my neck. For some reason I can't look him in the eye. His shoulders slump and he sighs. He knows, oh my God he knows I saw it.

"I'm sorry." I blurt out. My eyes flicker over to his face but fail to stay at rest there. He lets out a sad and sort of bitter chuckle. "It's okay." I manage to look at him long enough to notice a sad smile. "Thank you for not being a prick about it." he says. I smile and do give him a pat on the shoulder now, hoping that it doesn't come across as a sexual advancement because I really just want to give him some kind of comfort.

Ethan and I leave the auditorium, me dragging him after me by his hood. "That was so awkward." he whines when we enter the hallway. I fully agree with him. "I really hope you didn't eyerape him though. He looked like he's been going through some rough shit." I tell my friend sternly. Ethan blushes and splutters for a bit. I finally let go of his hood.

"I don't know man. I tried not to but it was really fucking difficult. He probably just thinks I'm constipated. If he even noticed me, cause that boy's eyes were focused on you the whole time."

Now it's my turn to blush and splutter a bit. I fail to turn my splutters into sentences though and just give up.

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