Chapter 10

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I go to French class fifteen minutes earlier as madama Spiers requested. But as I enter the hallway the classroom is situated in I freeze. I put all the songs on my phone on shuffle earlier. The Shrek Anthem just started playing.

So everyone within hearing range gets to hear me sing All Star by Smashmouth. The people in this school are probably used to my shit by now though. Or they'll have a blast recording me and throwing it onto the fiery hell that is facebook. Or even worse. Tumblr.

When the song ends I take a moment to catch my breath after singing and dancing with all of my energy like that. Then I enter the classroom. My gaze meets gray eyes. Then I notice two phones are aimed at me. It's him, and the guy that was with him when I was grieving in the auditorium. Their eyes are so wide I can vividly imagine the eyeballs popping out of their sockets.

I keep my poker face in place and turn to madame Spiers who is seated behind her desk and giving me an amazed look as well. "Vous vouliez me parler?" I ask her. The French teacher recollects herself by shaking her head and coughing. "Yes, thank you for coming Reiss. You see mister Hill here missed a few lessons and has thus far failed to catch up on them. He's a year bellow you so I thought you might be able to tutor him a bit until he is back on track."

I mull the proposal over for a bit. I tilt my head back so I can stare at the ceiling and chew on my lower lip. "Do I get extra credit?" I ask as I snap my head back down and raise an eyebrow at madame Spiers. She nods. I love extra credit. How bad can tutoring really be? And I get to look at those gray eyes the whole time. Wait. Shouldn't I be obsessing over Olivier? I think I should. No wait, he said he was going to be chasing after me. So I shouldn't mind? This is very confusing.

"I'll do it." I tell madame Spiers and smile. She cheers quietly raises her fists in victory. "See? I told you I had it handled, mister Hill. There's no way you're going to fail my class with this guy as your tutor." she says as she turns to gray eyes with a smug grin on her face. He nods and grins back at her. "Thank you, miss." he says.

A random tune pops into my head and I start whistling it as I make my way over to my seat. The two guys collect their stuff to leave. I jump up from my seat again and jump over to gray eyes to give him my phone. He looks at it in question. "W-what?" he stutters. I roll my eyes. He's lucky he's attractive. "I'm gonna need your number so we can schedule those tutoring sessions. I'm not a good enough stalker to find you on facebook."

His friend laughs as gray eyes blushes a bit. "Pfffft, I knew that." he mutters while taking my phone and adding himself to my contacts. When he gives the device back I text him immediately. 'Save me as something inconspicuous'. Then I check his name. Terrence Hill. That's so British.

When I sit back down in my seat again I receive a reply. 'I gotchu fam'. I actually really wonder what he put my contact name as. If he knows the meme it would have to be 'Not a drugs dealer'. For some reason that would make me really happy.

Lucas chooses that moment to enter the classroom. He seems seems slightly annoyed. "You weren't on the bus like you said you would be." he says. I send him an awkward, apologetic smile. "Yeah, I know. Had to come to school earlier than usual and I forgot to tell you last night." I explain. He hums in understanding and pulls out his phone. "I'll add you on facebook." he says and not even three seconds later a notification pops up on my phone that he did indeed add me. "Dude how do you just find people like that you've got to teach me." I spit out quickly. Lucas just laughs. "I'd like to keep those skills to myself." he says mysteriously and wiggles his eyebrows. I slap him on the shoulder. Then I go back to my chat screen with Terrence. 'I'll wait for you at the entrance after school'.

"So how'd it go with Olivier?" Lucas asks and I nearly choke on my spit. "You said I didn't have to tell you." I say with a frown. Lucas sighs. "Yeah but you're both my friends and I just had to talk you into... That. So how did it go?"

I bite my lip in thought as I flip my phone over in my hand a few times. Then a goofy smile breaks out across my face. "Nothing too serious like you oh so kindly suggested." I say. "But he did say he's going to woo me with dates, presents and affection until I deem him worthy of being my boyfriend."

Lucas grins and shakes his head. "That's so cute I want to barf." he says and I laugh loudly. My phone buzzes and I check it, hoping for a reply from Terrence. 'Iz gud'. This boy needs tutoring in more than just French. Then madame Spiers starts her class.

During cooking class Olivier is even more kind than usual. He made me some kind of French dessert with chocolate alongside the assignment from the teacher. There was also a lot of whispered flirting and compliments. We were also more touchy than usual. I kind of like it though. Especially the free food. Olivier is serious husband material.

I also seem to suddenly be noticing a lot of things about him. Like how good he looks in an apron and how cute it is when he smiles at something I say while still remaining focused on his cooking. It's like he's slowly seeping into my mind and taking control of everything.

After school I wait around the entrance for Terrence as I told him I would. This time I thankfully remembered to warn Lucas I won't be on the bus with him.

I spot Terence with his friend. There's also a girl and some other guy with them. I smile and raise my hand when he's near enough. The boy grins back. "Your place or mine?" I ask. "I'd prefer mine." Terrence says. I nod and trail behind them as the group of friends leads the way. To be honest I feel pretty awkward. It's like I'm an intruder or something. And the guy I have never seen before is giving me the evil eye every now and then.

When we arrive at his house the girl and the guy who kept giving me the evil eye continue on walking while I follow Terrence and his friend to the back door. We enter the kitchen where there is a woman who I assume is Terrence his mother. Wow Reiss, great work, you should become a detective. Thanks Reiss, I'll think about it.

Her eyes are red and puffy, a clear sign that she's been crying. She's also still in her pyjama's. Her hands are clasped around an untouched cup of coffee that I'm assuming has long gone cold.

"Has he talked yet?" the friend asks the mother. She sighs and shakes her head, her eyes remaining focused on her cold coffee. Saying that I'm confused would be an understatement. I send a questioning glance towards Terrence. He looks deflated. His eyes meet mine and he shakes his hand. Then he walks towards me and starts pulling me away from the kitchen. We end up in his bedroom.

"My brother locked himself in his room. This is the third day we haven't even heard or seen him." he mumbles. Holy shit. "He's eating and drinking though, right?" I ask. Worry is gnawing at my insides and I don't know why. I've never met Laurence but I guess that after thinking about him for a year I've built up this sort of illusion that I did know him.

Terrence sighs and pulls a hand through his messy, brown hair. "I think he sneaks out at night. He's smart like that. I've never caught him though so he doesn't do it before one AM."

I chew my lip in thought. This is so awkward. I know people have this idea that telling a stranger what's bothering them helps but it is very fucking awkward to be that stranger. What can I do to help him? I'm supposed to just help him with French. So I guess I'll just do that. A distraction can never be bad, right?

My backpack hits the floor with a thump and I sit down on his be. "You sound like you've spent a lot of time moping already. This French stuff can maybe help you take your mind off of it for a bit." I suggest carefully. Terrence nods and sits down next to me. The close proximity surprises me but I don't mind it. I'm one of those people who doesn't fully understand personal space.

"Okay, what do you suck at the most." I ask. He raises his eyebrows at me and seems offended. "Well aren't you optimistic, assuming I suck at every aspect of French." he says. I smirk and lean back on my hands. "Call me mister Brightside." I say. He laughs loudly and shakes his head. He looks better when he's happy than when he's sad.

We ended up not doing much French. I just got so ticked off by his horrible 'r' that I kept forcing him to try doing it right over and over. When he finally got it right once I concluded it was time for me to go home.

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