Chapter 6

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I open my eyes forcefully and regret it immediately. The light, it burns. I groan and close my eyes tightly again. My ears pick up on a constant beeping sound and rushing footsteps. Someone takes a hold of my hand. "Good to have you back, baby bro." they say. I grimace. "Fuck off Jason my eyes hurt."

He laughs. "As long as that's all that hurts you're good." he says. I frown and open my eyes again. This time the light burns less. My eyes dart around the room. Oh fuck I'm in a hospital. "How'd I end up here?" I ask. It suddenly becomes very obvious to me how dry my throats is. Some nurse enters the room and places a glass of water on the nightstand next to me. Now that is some flawless timing. I pick it up and gulp it down in one go. Jason laughs again, then he starts explaining.

"You got in an accident on your way to school. Gave us quite a scare to be honest. You just woke up from a come by the way, it's been a week or so. The doctor said there won't be any complications or disabilities. You just gotta stay here for a bit. They never specified how long. And you have a scar on your back now. It looks pretty badass, I checked it a few days ago."

Well that's a lot to take in. Did he just say I just woke from a coma? A fucking coma. I snort. "If my life doesn't end up being made into a movie I'm gonna be so disappointed. This is like the third or fourth cliché dramatic event to happen to me." I say and laugh. Jason laughs too. His happiness is so evident it's almost creepy. Suddenly something hits me. This happened on my way to school. There's no way Ethan wasn't involved in this accident as well then.

"Where's Ethan?" I ask, my smile melting off of my face. Jason stops smiling too. He clears his throat and avoids my gaze. This does not look good. This does not look good.

"Well Ethan he... He didn't survive. They said he wasn't wearing a helmet. So that's probably why."

Oh my fucking God. This can't be real. This can not be fucking real. That motherfucker always gives me his helmet. And he's dead because of it? Did I kill my best friend!? My breathing speeds up and the room grows fucking. The annoying beeping I noticed earlier is speeding up too. Can't they shut it off?

Someone's shaking me. "Reiss! Calm down Reiss! Slow your breathing!" I hear Jason yell. He's probably the one shaking me as well. But isn't that stuff what they tell people who are having a panic attack? Shit, am I having a panic attack?

I focus on my breathing and try to slow it down. It's actually working. Jason's face becomes clear again. "I killed him..." I mumble. Jason shakes his head and frowns, but before he can say something I continue. "I fucking killed my best friend Jason. I killed Ethan. Oh my God, I'm a murderer-" "You are not a murderer." he interrupts me sternly. "He wasn't wearing a helmet. That's his own fault baby bro-" "BECAUSE HE GAVE IT TO ME!" I scream. "He gave his helmet to me..."

My voice cracks but I refuse to cry. I don't deserve to cry because it's all my fault. It's my fault that Ethan's dead. I should have insisted that he wear the helmet. Or I should've bought him a second helmet or something. I don't want this to be real.

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