Chapter 14

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Terrence stayed true to his words and accompanied me to the music store. He's currently staring at me in childish wonder while I go through my usual process that is required for me to find the perfect guitar picks. The staff here is used to me by now so they just throw me an amused glance and leave me be.

The girl that's currently working the cash register seems to be new though. She keeps looking at me with a mix of disgust and annoyance while occasionally throwing Terrence bedroom eyes. He doesn't seem to notice her though. So now this lady is what us memers call 'angery' at me as if it's my fault she has the wrong body parts to gain Terrence his attention.

"Hey Reiss what's up man!" a familiar voice suddenly belts behind me. I turn around with a smirk and extended arms. "Damn Daniel! Back at it again with the white Vans!" I yell back at the guy who just entered the store. He laughs and we perform this ritual called 'The Bro Hug'. You see this man here is a legend. His name is Daniel, and he always wears white Vans. Thank you for keeping the meme alive man.

Daniel's eyes trail over to the girl behind the counter, then back to me. "I see you met my sister, Alice." he says and hops over the counter to stand behind it. He pulls off his hoodie, revealing his employee shirt underneath. Terrence looks between Daniel and I with wide, excited eyes. Why is this boy's knowledge of memes so attractive.

"Didn't really meet her. Being looked at like I'm worth less than the dirt under someone's shoes doesn't make me feel safe enough to spark some conversation." I tell Daniel with a frown. Alice scowls at me while Daniel laughs loudly and throws an arm around his sister's shoulders. "So sis, whaddaya think about my man Reiss?" he asks with a wide grin. She pouts at him but her eyes keep shifting to Terrence. "He's weird." she whines. "He was doing weird stuff to the guitar picks. I was honestly just about to kick him out."

Daniel gasps and jumps away from his sister as if he accidently held his hand too close to a fire. "I expected better from you, Liss! 'Weird' is a sign of genius! This guy here is the best guitarist slash singer this town, I think even this state has to offer!" he exclaims with his hand pressed against his chest where his heart is.

I grin happily at Daniel and blush sightly at the compliment. This honestly means a lot coming from this guy. "I've settled for these three." I tell him and hand him the guitar picks I liked the most. "Sure thing buddy." he say and motions for Alice to ring them up. I guess she's still learning the ropes. I hand her the right amount of money. She writes something on the back of the receipt and hands it to Terrence, then she hands me my change. And she calls me weird?

Terrence looks at the back of the receipt and grimaces before handing it back to Alice. "No thanks, I'm gay." he says. She probably wrote her phone number or full name on it or something. Terrence grabs me by the elbow and pulls me out of the store. I wave at Daniel by means of goodbye and he waves back, his ever goofy smile spread across his face.

"So that Daniel guy was a very interesting character." Terrence says as we make our way out of the mall. He's trying hard to not burst out laughing. "Yeah, I know..." I tell him and chuckle. "I have this theory that his body naturally makes alcohol alongside vitamins and such. That's why he acts drunk without reeking of alcohol. The stuff is in his bloodstream."

He gives up and bursts out in loud, ear pleasing laughter. When we reach the bus stop he seems to have calmed down again. "Hey wanna go to the gym? I want to visit my brother." I say. Terrence raises his eyebrows. "You have a brother?" he asks. I nod and stare down the street hoping to spot our bus. "Yeah. He works at the gym and lets me use it for free when he's on the job." I explain to him. He whistles. "So basically a free gym pass, awesome. Sure I'll come with you." he says.

Thirty minutes later we're walking across the parking lot towards the gym. Terrence suddenly looks very uneasy. His face is pale instead of its usual tan color and I frown. I don't know how to comfort him though. And I don't think I know him well enough to ask him about it yet.

After entering I don't feel like actually looking for my brother, so I do the very next thing. I cup my mouth with my hands and scream his name at the top of my lungs. Terrence flinches away from me and massages his ears, shooting me an upset look that makes me want to coo at him.

Jason pops out of the nearest room with an 'I am so done with you' face expression. I grin brightly at him. "'Sup bro!" I exclaim and walk towards him with my hand raised for a high five. His face expression remains the same as he raises his hands and drags it down my face. I drop my hand and pout at him. A second person appears behind him and I'm very confused to see it's Laurence. "'Sup bro!" Terrence exclaims from behind me and his brother cringes. Oh my Gawd we're so in sync.

"You can use every room apart from the kickbox room. You'll have to keep it down though, as you can see you just interrupted a lesson." Jason tells me, an amused smile playing at his lips now. I nod and salute. "Will do." I whisper and start making my way to the gymnastics room. There's this part of floor that got replaced by a kind of bouncy mat there and it's perfect for tricking.

Terrence follows after me and is polite enough to close the door behind us. He's so kind it melts my heart. I place my hands on my hips as I stand in the middle of the room, but something feels wrong... "Shit, I forgot my equipment." I blurt out. Terrence laughs loudly and I smile at him. I like how easy it is to make him happy.

Underwear it is then. I bend down and start taking my shoes off. When I shrug my shirt off as well and start unbuttoning my pants Terrence goes silent. "What are you doing?" he asks while blushing madly. I stand up proudly in my socks and boxer shorts, sending him a grin. "Just because I didn't bring my gear that doesn't mean I'm going to attempt this stuff in skinny jeans." I tell him. "What kind of stuff?" he asks. I don't miss his suggestive tone but choose to ignore it. "Tricking." I say. Then I bend down again en pull my phone out of my pants. I throw it at Terrence and he catches it. "Put on some music please." I tell him. He does as he's told and I find myself smiling as Lose Control by Hedley starts playing. I warm up a bit with normal dancing first, then I start doing my thing.

When the song ends and I squeeze in one last trick Terrence turns into some sort of fangirl. "Holy shit! That was so fucking awesome! And really fucking hot. I hope you don't mind that I recorded pretty much all of that."

I wipe the sweat off my forehead and shake my head at him. "'S fine." I pant out. "Oh yeah, you got a message from Olivier. He asked if you want to watch a movie at his place tonight." he informs me and rolls his eyes like a small child that is being told to wait for its food. "Ask him which movie." I say and plop down on the ground next to him. His hands seem to shake slightly as he types in the reply while I look over his shoulder.

While we wait for a response from Oli I feel Terrence his hand slide up my leg. He bites his lip and looks up at me through his eyelashes. I suck in a breath and shiver. Right when his hand reaches the bottom of my boxers the response arrives. Terrence rolls his eyes and reluctantly removes his hand. 'Spiderman Homecoming'. "Fuck yeah." I say and grin. I take my phone back from Terrence, blushing as his fingers linger on mine. He smirks at me and watches while I continue messaging Olivier.

'Fuck yeah' 'At what time?' 'And I kind of don't know your address cause Lucas dropped me off last time'

It takes a while for Olivier to reply to all of that and I start bouncing my leg. Terrence leans closer to me again and lays his hand on my leg so it stops. I frown at him and he smiles innocently. I focus my eyes on Olivier's replies and memorise the address before sending 'cheers' and typing it into google maps.

I gasp and nearly drop my phone when Terrence suddenly starts kissing my neck. He's going to be the death of me. Is it even okay to do this kind of stuff with someone you're not dating? "I'll come with you to his house so I can inform him of his competition." he mumbles against my skin. All I can do is breathe rapidly and hope his hand is not going to crawl any higher.

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